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"That's my sister."

Chaewon pointed across the large hall at a group of three girls, the shorter of the three laughing along to whatever the one with glasses was saying.

It made Chaewon happy to see that Yuri made friends already. She subtly smiled as her roommate, Yena, squinted to see where she was pointing.

"Which one?"

"The short one."

"Didn't you say she was taller than you?"

"Hush, I know that Yena-unnie."

The duck finally found the hamster, and her eyes widened.

"Ah, I can see the resemblance."

"You couldn't even see her for the past two minutes."

"Well, now that we're closer I can see her."

Chaewon stifled a scoff, finding her new friend funny.

"Wow, she's really pretty."

The older sister flinched, "what?"

"I said, your dongsaeng is pretty."

"If I see you do anything to her I will vibrate your bones."

Yena shockingly glanced at the younger girl, "yo I just said she was pretty."

"Still, I trust you but don't do anything bad to her."

Yena raised her hands up in defeat, "okay, okay, I get it, you're protective of your sister. I promise not to hurt her at all."

The duck then shuddered, "and please, that threat was funny but scary at the same time."

Chaewon smirked, "I know."

"Can you actually vibrate bones with your voice?"

The younger girl shrugged as they continued to walk, "I mean, I can vibrate the metal support beams in buildings without vibrating the walls itself. Want to be my test subject?"

Yena stared with an open mouth, "wh- No! Don't treat your unnie like that Chaewon-ahhh."

Chaewon giggled, "sorry unnie~ I was kidding."

Yena huffed, the two continuing their conversation as they headed for their third period inside the choir room.

"Time to rock the class with your vocals."

"Dahhh unnie stop ittt, you're embarrassing me."

Yena raised an eyebrow, "but it's true? You showed me your singing earlier."

"You're Chaewon, correct?"

The two stopped talking as the teacher came up to them.

"Uh- yes ma'am, I am."

The woman smiled, "I had your younger sister, Yuri, for my first period, she's a wonderful singer."

Yena gasped, "your sister can sing too?"

Chaewon smiled at both of them, "yeah my sister can sing, and I hope she wasn't too shy or anything?"

The teacher shook her head, "at first she was a bit nervous... But I'm sure she'll learn to grow in confidence soon enough... And I also heard from her that you're a great singer as well."

Chaewon blushed, "o-oh... she said that?"

The woman chuckled, "yes, she did... And by hearing your voice I can already tell she may be correct."

The girl's blush deepened and she looked away, "t-thank you ma'am."

The two girls went to sit by the corner, Yena snickering, "look who's a blushing mess."

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