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"What a long day..."

Nako chuckled as Hitomi fell onto her bed as soon as they went inside their dorm.

"Yeah... Hii-chan?"

The blonde girl rolled onto her back, glancing at her girlfriend, "yeah?"

"I'm glad you woke me up over there... I don't know what I would've done if you were in a different room than me."

Hitomi smiled, sitting up and gesturing the shorter girl over to her, "come here, Nako-chan."

As soon as she came to arm's reach, the blonde pulled the older girl into a hug, as well as pulling them onto her bed.

"I'll always be there for you, Nako-chan."

She felt Nako smile in her neck, "same here, Tomi... we were there for each other since we were little, and we always will be."

"Can we stay like this for a while?"

Nako snuggled closer, muttering softly, "anything you want... I love you, Hii-chan."

Hitomi smiled, sending her love back to the older girl, "I love you too, Nako-chan..."

~ ~ ~


A giant bunny jumped in surprise as she walked out of the bathroom, combing her semi-wet hair as she glanced over to the voice's owner who sat on her desk, idly swinging her legs as she gazed at the floor.

"Yes Yujin-unnie?"

"About what you said earlier..."

The puppy looked up at Wonyoung, who was still standing near the bathroom doorway, "do you really love me?"

"Of course I do."

Yujin weakly smiled and looked away since she got the wrong idea from the bunny's confident and certain tone, "a-ah of course... We're best friends after all..."

"What? No, I meant for real."

The puppy glanced back to see Wonyoung walk up to her, "I meant what I said unnie. And yeah I love you as a best friend but I love you more than that too."

If Yujin had a tail, it'd be wagging around as if she was a puppy being called a good girl.


"Do you not believe me?"

"W-what no I do! I'm just... happy..."

The older girl smiled as Wonyoung stood right in front of her, the latter brushing a strand of hair from the puppy's face.

"I love you too, Wonyoung-ah."

The bunny returned the smile, dropping her hand to play with Yujin's aimlessly as she continued to gaze into the older girl's brown orbs.

"You already told me that."

The puppy pouted, "I can't say it again?"

Wonyoung tapped her lips, "only if you give me a kiss~"

"Did Yena-unnie teach you how to talk like that?"

"Nope, Eunbi-unnie and also Chaeyeon-unnie would kill her then."

The puppy laughed at that, pushing herself off the desk to be face-to-face with the younger girl. She slightly leaned forward, only to hesitate as she neared the girl's face, entranced by her flawless and ethereal features, how calm the bunny looked with her eyes closed.

"Yujin-unnie I can feel your breath near me if you don't kiss me now I might just hide in embarrassment because I can feel it creeping up on me."

Yujin smiled, swiftly swooping in and pecking the bunny's lips as softly as she could.

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