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The duck glanced over to see her roommate putting on her shoes.

"Yeah? Where you going?"

"Minju asked me to come over for a bit, I'll be back before curfew."

Yena raised her eyebrow and smirked, "oh really now~ Have fun~"

Chaewon blushed, glaring at the older girl, "she just wanted to talk okay?"


Yena snickered as Chaewon left their dorm, going back to watching videos on her phone.




Yena paused the video she was watching and sat up, her quirk firing signals to her brain saying that someone was here. She looked around, unable to locate anyone or anything unusual...


"Go to sleep... You saw nothing."

The girl's eyelids became heavy as the figure held her temples, falling unconscious as he whisked her away...


Knock Knock...

Chaewon played with the hem of her shirt as she waited outside a certain room, wondering why she was so nervous when all she was going to do was talk to Minju.

But at the same time... She wondered why the girl wanted to talk to her when they could have easily just texted, or talked tomorrow.

The door finally opened, revealing the younger girl.

"Hi Chaewon-unnie."

Chaewon smiled as Minju let her inside, "hey Minju-yah~"

She glanced around, seeing that Yuri wasn't there, "where's Yuri?"

"Oh, she's in good hands..."

Chaewon whipped back around, startled from Minju's change of voice.


The said girl laughed, "you girls are so~ easy to trick..."

Chaewon took a step back as the girl changed form into a tall man, his eyes a strange golden color.

The girl glared at him, "who are you? What'd you do with Yuri and Minju?"

"Your shaking eyes and legs ruin your bravado... Don't worry, they're both unharmed..."

Chaewon ran for the door, yelping in surprise as he grabbed ahold of her wrist. She turned around, quickly raising her voice a few pitches whilst hitting his stomach.

The man grimaced from his bones suddenly rattling, hissing as he gripped her shoulder.

"Fall asleep..."

The girl gasped, trying to fight whatever he did to her but ultimately falling unconscious with a dull thud.

~ ~ ~

"Damn it..."

Hyewon groaned as she lost another phone game against Sakura. The shower of their dorm suddenly shut off, so Hyewon quickly texted the Japanese girl in the game as a hair blower could be heard.

 The shower of their dorm suddenly shut off, so Hyewon quickly texted the Japanese girl in the game as a hair blower could be heard

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