CHAPTER 25 :: P2

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The blonde girl kept on running, taking as many alleyways and shortcuts as she could to avoid another encounter with the police, blurring past people and buildings...

The next area she was met with was a forest, and with nowhere else to hide, she dove in, only stopping when she was deep inside. Hyewon shook out her legs, taking deep breaths as she tried to control her energy output, thankful she had a lot of sugar the day before.

With a few seconds to regather her energy, she began to run again, not caring if she was getting scratches from the trees. She just wanted to run away, get away from everyone that was trying to hurt her for doing nothing wrong.

Even with her speed, it felt like she was running for hours up a mountain until she came across a flat clearing, a large castle-like mansion in the middle surrounded by iron fencing and the forest.

With no one around, she took the chance to walk to the front gate.

"Stop right there."

Hyewon yelped and fell back in surprise from the man turning the corner, fear filling her once more.

"W-wait p-please-"

"Who are you."

"P-please d-don't h-hurt me I swear I wasn't trying to do anything bad!"

It angered her conscious that she was stuttering in fear, she was usually a calm and collected person (unless she had a huge amount of sugar), and not a lot of things frightened her except for her parents.

But today was a long day...

Long enough for Hyewon to be too tired to run away as the man silently crouched down in front of her.

Powerless, Hyewon covered her face, waiting to be attacked.

But what the man did next shocked her, and she timidly stared at him as he gently pulled her hands away. The uniformed man gazed at her with ice cold eyes, but deep behind them... She saw worry.

"I won't hurt you..."

Hyewon pulled her hands away, glaring at him, "how do I know if I can trust you."

The man sighed and looked down a cobbled path that went down the mountain, "I guess you can't... That's the thing about trust."

He glanced back at the blonde girl, "what's your name?"




The man sighed, giving up on his interview, "okay, I understand why you aren't talking. But can you at least tell me if you're alright?"

Before Hyewon could answer, another voice came from behind the man.

"What on Earth is going on here?"

Hyewon yelped in surprise, quickly scooting back a few feet as a taller, more intimidating man suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The uniformed man quickly stood up and bowed, "s-sir... It's broad daylight."

"So what of it? No normal person would think about coming here."

He then turned back to Hyewon, gazing at her in silence.

'S-should I run? But... I'm so tired... I don't think I can for very long even if I tried...'

She cringed back in fear as he slowly walked up to her, "you..."

He crouched down, "you have a gift..."

Hyewon's eyes widened, "g-gift?"

The man nodded, "yes... Or well, a supernatural power as some say..."

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