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Yuri tilted her head from Yena's sudden text, wondering why she wanted to meet outside, when it was nine at night

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Yuri tilted her head from Yena's sudden text, wondering why she wanted to meet outside, when it was nine at night. She grabbed her guitar case, waving goodbye and saying her thank you's to the teacher and the other students that were still in the theater before walking out

She walked down the empty halls, shivering as she pulled one of the front doors open, a slight breeze entering into the building. She headed out, glancing around to see a silhouette of a girl with platinum-blonde hair a little ways away. Yuri walked over to her, the girl turning around when she heard the hamster coming.

"Hey, Yuri-yah."

Yuri smiled, "hi Yena-unnie, why'd you ask me to come here?"

As Yuri came closer she could slightly see Yena's face, although the darkness made it hard to see, even with the full moon illuminating both of the girls.

"Oh well... I just wanted to talk..."



Yuri nodded, waiting for the duck to speak.

"I uh- liked your song..."

The hamster smiled, "really? Thanks."

"Say, why'd you make that song though?"

Yuri softly blushed, "well... I made it while thinking about someone."

"Oh really? Who?"

'It's now or never,' Yuri thought to herself as she confidently stared into Yena's eyes.


Yena blinked, unable to believe that her suspicion was right.


"Yeah, you, I wrote it thinking about you, and well, for you."

The duck's heart soared, and she for once was at a loss of words as she smiled.

"O-oh... really?"

Yuri looked away, "s-sorry, is that weird? Oh jeez I'm sorry Yena-un-"

The younger girl was cut off as Yena walked up, embracing her tightly.

"I won't fail you, and I won't let you go."

Yuri's chest fluttered from the duck's words and her action, returning her hug as she smiled.

"I- Uh... I like you, unnie."

Yena chuckled, pulling away slightly to poke Yuri at her heart, "I know. Hearts don't lie."

Yuri tilted her head, "then why didn't you do anything?"

At that, the older girl smiled weakly, "even if I can see emotions... Feel them if they're strong enough... It's hard to tell if they're mine or the other person's... I was waiting to see if I was right or if I was just being delusional."

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