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A student with a black bob-cut sat up in bed, yawing as she rubbed her eyes. She sighed softly as she sat still, enjoying the tranquil silence that would last for only a few more minutes.

She laid back down as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake up her roommate who slept peacefully on the bed next to her. Considering how peaceful the girl looked, she did not act like that at all when she woke up.

She should get changed into her school outfit and get ready for her classes but... She wanted that few more minutes of peace.




Then she heard the other bed move, and her eyes subtly dropped to get ready for the ruckus to come.





The girl slightly turned her head when she didn't hear anything, seeing her blonde roommate sitting silently.

'This is new...'

She decided to call out to her friend, "Hyewon-ah... Are you okay?"

The said Hyewon suddenly groaned, falling back onto her bed, "ughhhh Eunbi-unnieeeee I hate the first day of schoolllll."

There we go.

Eunbi sighed, getting up to get ready, "well too bad, get ready. It's our last year anyways."

"You weren't even getting ready."

"I didn't want to wake you up because I know how much you love~ your sleep."

"Are you sure it's not because you love~ the silent mornings?"

Eunbi rolled her eyes, "you know me so well."

The two fourth-years got ready, and as Eunbi got her bag set up, Hyewon looked around her desk.

"What are you looking for? Your phone?"

"That's on my desk."


"However much I despise school, I still know where those old books are."

Eunbi let out a puff of air, "then what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking forrrrr... Ah found one!"

Hyewon grinned as she found an energy bar, quickly unwrapping the foil.

"Why were you looking for that?"

"I didn't eat any sugar yesterday, and I'm all out of sugar foods after this one."

"And? That's better because it makes you more quiet."

Hyewon pouted at Eunbi before going on with what she was saying, taking a bite of the sugary bar.

"This will be enough to last me until I get to the cafeteria and back."

"Right now? Why???"

"To get us both breakfast? And a few snacks in the process to stock up again."

Before Eunbi could say another word, Hyewon finished the bar, putting on her shoes and dashing out the door as if she teleported away.

"Yah, Kang Hyewon!"

The older girl sighed, picking up her phone and going to the "timer" app, watching as the time ticked by.


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