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[M] - mentions of blood

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'Kkura-chan's not here yet... She must be talking with her dad.'

Chaeyeon sighed as she stood up, stretching her limbs out before slipping on her shoes. It wasn't past curfew yet so... She'd take a walk around the school perimeter, just to loosen up.

She exited the room, seeing no one in sight as she walked down the hall, out to the front entrance. The sun was already set, and she could barely make out the security guards in the distance. Even so, she tucked her wings in as tightly as she could, walking close to the walls so they wouldn't ask her to go back inside.

She climbed over the semi-broken wall, breathing in the fresh air as she went to the back of the school, only to slightly cough.


She sniffed again, a strong scent of iron... no, blood, hitting her nose.

"What the..."

She muttered under her breath, slowly walking closer to see a hunched up figure over another one that laid still on the ground. The moonlight reflected over the person, showing familiar ashy-purple hair.

Chaeyeon stopped and squinted to see better, only to widen her eyes at the scene.

The person on the ground was dead.


The red-haired girl froze as she took a step back, a small twig snapping under her foot. The figure whipped their head up, their eyes a reddish-gold, their nails black and sharp with their canines exposed.

Chaeyeon widened her eyes even more, "K-Kkura-chan?"

The said girl only growled, seeming to have lost all sense of literacy as she slowly stood up, blood dripping down her fangs as she found a new target.

The younger girl backed away, "h-hey... It's me... Chaeyeon."

Sakura didn't answer nor seemed to know who Chaeyeon was, for she staggered towards the girl in dead silence, her footsteps making no noise at all.

In a blink of an eye, the Japanese girl was already a foot away from Chaeyeon, so the girl called out firmly.


The older girl blinked, and blinked again, her eyes losing its red hue as she slowly went out of her animalistic state.


Sakura stared in front of her to see a frightened Chaeyeon, glancing back to see the dead man. The man she killed since she couldn't control herself, since she needed blood.


'Chaeyeon saw me.'

As the Japanese girl turned back to Chaeyeon, she saw the winged girl take a step away from her.

She held her hand out into the air, frightening herself from her claw-like nails, "w-wait, Chaeyeon, I can explain."

The younger girl shook her head, "y-you... killed him..."

Sakura saw that Chaeyeon was about to run, so she quickly went up to the girl, cupping her face.


She caressed Chaeyeon's cheeks, "I'm sorry Chae, I promise this won't hurt."

Before the red-haired girl could do or say anything, Sakura pressed her fingertips to Chaeyeon's temples, causing the affected girl to slowly lose consciousness.

Chaeyeon's eyes fluttered closed, her legs giving out from under her as she fell into the vampire.

Sakura carefully lifted the girl up bridal-style, being mindful of her wings that hung limp at her back.

She quickly ran back to the school, effortlessly passing by the security guards as she slipped inside, thankful that no one was out of their dorms in this hour.

She gently laid Chaeyeon down on the girl's bed, brushing aside loose strands of hair as she gazed at her in worry.

But in the end, she stood up, wanting to quickly rid herself of all the dirt and blood before Chaeyeon regained consciousness.

She glided to the bathroom, seeing that she was still in her vampiric state through the mirror.

"Come on... go away."

Sakura blinked hard, her eyes turning to her normal brown ones as she felt the sharp, dark nails receding back to wherever they came from. She sighed, swiftly cleaning herself, thoughts swimming in her head...





The said girl jumped, seeing the headmaster form in the middle of their dorm room, her roommate still sleeping soundly behind him.


"You need to be more careful..."

Sakura looked away, "sorry..."

The man sighed, "I've cleaned up your mess at the back of the school, and I've seen you've taken care of your... witness."

Chaeyeon stirred, so the headmaster quickened his words.

"At least you are quick with your actions when you're conscious... Make sure she doesn't remember anything."

"Yes... father."

The man smiled, disappearing into thin air as soon as Chaeyeon cracked open her eyes.

Sakura stood in her spot, not knowing what to do as the red-haired girl sat up, scratching her head.


Chaeyeon jumped, turning to face Sakura but staring at her in silence, a hint of confusion on her face.

"... Kkura-chan?"


"Did something happen?"

Sakura tilted her head, "no, why?"

Chaeyeon scratched her head again, staring at her other hand on her lap, "huh..."

Sakura put on a worried expression, walking over to sit on the edge of Chaeyeon's bed, "what's wrong?"

The younger girl shook her head, "sorry, I just had a weird dream."


She hummed in response, "it was crazy, but... I can't really... remember it... I just know it was weird. It's like- all fuzzy and stuff, I can only make out golden eyes."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, thankful that she took the time to look at the media now-a-days, "Chae, have you been watching 'Twilight'?"

"Uhhh no, although you do have a point..."

Chaeyeon shook her head, ruffling her hair back, "ah whatever, my dreams usually don't make sense anyways."

The Japanese girl chuckled, going to her own bed, "you're funny Chaeyeon-ah."

The girl laughed, "you are too Kkura-chan. Goodnight~"

"Night, Chae."

Chaeyeon turned off the lights, enveloping them in silent darkness. Sakura sighed quietly, now understanding how her ability worked on making people forget what they saw.

She didn't want to lose Chaeyeon, nor did she want to lose any of the friends she made here...

She'd have to be more careful, like the headmaster said...

Or she might just lose everything she gained.

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