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"C-Chaewon-unnie, can you help me..."

A brown-haired girl with bangs walked back to the back of their parents' car, seeing her younger sister, a girl with similar hair but up to her midriff, struggling to take out her suitcase from the trunk.

Chaewon sighed, stepping up to help her with the suitcase, "what did you even pack in here Yuri? We were only supposed to pack clothes and necessities."

The hamster-looking girl scratched her head, "uhhhh nothing much... I don't think I put anything heavy in there."

As Yuri replied, Chaewon was easily able to pull the suitcase out of the trunk.

"Oh, so you're just weak."


Yuri pouted at the older girl, who in turn gave her a mocking one back.

"Let's go, you have everything?"

Yuri's pout faded into a slight frown, "yeah, I'm ready..."

Seeing the difference of expression in her younger sister, she ruffled the girl's hair, "let's say bye to Mom and Dad first, Yuri-yah."

The siblings went to the front where their parents waited at the hood of their car.

"Be safe and take care of each other okay?"

"And don't argue with each other all the time."

"Nae~" (a more formal version of okay)

The group exchanged hugs before the girls headed up the cobbled road, waving one last time before their parents drove away.



"I'm sorry, unnie."

Chaewon glanced at the younger girl, "for what?"

"Well... I know how much you loved our old school... But because of me you had to move as well..."

Yuri stared at the stones as she walked side-by-side with her sister, the reason why they had to move schools resurfacing into the front of her mind...

"Yuri, please sing the bridge."

Yuri did as she was told, building up her vocals from a husky tone to a high note very little of her classmates could hold for long...

Or so she tried.

Yuri jumped and the whole choir class ducked for cover as the classroom's windows shattered into fine pieces of glass.

The class was filled with both first years and second years, and the girl saw her sister slowly stand up, staring at her with mixed worry and sorrow.

"What was that?"

"Why'd all the windows break?"

"It must be Yuri, she must be one of those people."

The teacher stood up, keeping his eyes on the scared girl, "now, students, calm down..."

She saw one of Chaewon's friends nudge her sister, "you never told me your sister was a mutant."

"I-I I didn't- She's- ..."

As Chaewon stumbled over her words, Yuri noticed the gazes of many of the students change from fear to annoyance.

But before she had the chance to hear what they would say about her, she ran out the door.


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