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A few minutes of silence passed until one of the girls staggered in their spot, her eyes half-closed in exhaustion.

"Oh jeez... I'm so... tired..."

The eldest held Hyewon steady by her waist, softly smiling at her, "I'm sure..."

"Can you stand up?"

The ashy-purple-haired girl glanced up to see Chaeyeon smile down at her, lending both of her hands. Sakura silently held the girl's hands, unable to look her in the eyes as she stood up, a little weak in the knees but able to stand.

As the group went around to check if everyone was okay, two of the girls looked out the broken windows, thinking as they gazed at the blue sky.


"Hm? Yeah unnie?"

"What's the strongest thing you've used your ability on?"

"Uhhh porcelain?"

Chaewon slowly nodded at her sister, "you know... If we work together, our gifts might become stronger."

Yuri glanced over to the older girl, "what do you mean?"

"You're quirk is that you can break things if they're fragile... Mine is that I can send vibrations through anything I touch..."

The short-haired girl walked over and felt the cobbled wall, "this has been here for a long time, shouldn't be too hard to break."

"Wait what?"

Chaewon turned back to Yuri, "I can weaken the stone I think, enough for you to be able to make it crumble. Just enough so we can climb out."

Before the younger girl had the chance to reply, her sister softly sung a tune as she felt the wall, circling her hand around the area. The others heard the voice, all of them turning to watch what the sisters were doing.

"Yeah, I can weaken the stones, there's no support beams."

She glanced at Yuri, "ready?"

The hamster blinked a few times, "wait- So while you're weakening the wall I sing so my voice can land like- a final blow or something?"

The radish shrugged, "pretty much yeah."

Yuri bit at her lip, "will it work? We're both not at our fullest energy."

"Well, we have to try, right?"


The hamster took a few steps back, nodding at Chaewon as the older girl turned to their friends.

"You guys might want to cover your ears."

The duck pouted, "but I want to hear you guys sing."

The radish stared at her roommate, "we're going to go really high and loud, probably more so than before."

Yuri held Yena's arm, "you can hear us sing later, I don't want you to go deaf."

With that, the ten girls covered their ears as Yuri took a few steps away from her girlfriend and everyone else, glancing at her sister.

"You'll be okay over there? Chaewon-unnie?"

The older girl grinned at Yuri, "yeah, I'll be okay."

Chaewon held the stone with both hands, vocalizing in a steadily rising tone as the wall started to vibrate.

After taking a deep breath, Yuri joined in, her husky voice quickly harmonizing with her older sister as they went higher in octave.

The older girl felt the wall subtly cave in, her fingers slightly digging into the rock as if it was dried, crumbly clay. She widened the distance between her hands as the center of the cobble began to fall to the ground in small pieces, slowly revealing a wall of dirt behind it. She continued to sing, although the back of her mind itched with the fact that her younger sister was going much higher than she was, trying to speed up the process. She was straining her voice too much at such a quick period of time, which worried Chaewon.

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