CHAPTER 40 :: P2

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"Ow ow ow-"

"Stop moving or it will hurt more."

"I-I thought healing magic wasn't supposed to hurt."

Yuri mentally face-palmed at her girlfriend, "she hasn't started healing you yet unnie."

"And my ability is different from say... your friend, Kim Minju's. Mine soothes the wounds instead of heals them, so you'll still have to heal naturally. Of course, if I can actually place my ability on you, if you stop moving, it won't hurt."

Yena bit her lip as she winced, trying not to flinch away from the nurse as she held her burnt hand.



"There we go, doesn't hurt now does it?"

"N-no... thank you ma'am."

The blonde girl stared at her reddened hand, glancing up to see that the nurse came back with a bandage and some ointment.

"This is so it will heal faster, don't take it off. Come visit me every day before and after class until I say otherwise. And yes, you will still have classes."

The duck flexed her hand after the bandage was wrapped around it, only for the nurse to talk again.

"And don't move your hand too much or itch the palm of your hand, it will take longer to heal then."

"N-nae, seonsaengnim..."

Yuri secretly rolled her eyes, standing up and bowing to the nurse, "thank you so much, I apologize on behalf of my roommate."


"Oh no worries, you two may stay or leave now, I am finished here."

As the couple walked towards the door, so did their two Japanese friends.

"Are you two leaving now as well?"

"Ah yeah, we're thinking about helping out Lee-seonsaengnim."

"Yena-unnie are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm alright, thanks for asking."

Nako and Hitomi nodded as the two Koreans waved at them, "see you guys later then."

The duck and hamster walked down the hall to their dorm in silence, the two stopping in front of Yena's dorm.

"Can I stay with you until curfew?"

"Do you want to?"

"Well, I have to make sure my girlfriend doesn't disobey the nurse's orders."

Yena looked away, which made Yuri wrap her arm around the sulking duck's shoulders, "I'm kidding, I just want to stay with you."

"Well, maybe you should shower first? Thankfully we didn't pass by anyone because your uniform's still... bloody..."

"O-oh yeah, I should... I'll be right back?"

Yena nodded, giving the younger girl a small smile before parting ways.




Knock Knock...

"Come in, door's open."

Yuri poked her head through the door, giving Yena a cute smile before walking in.

"How'd you shower?"

"I just made sure my bad hand didn't get wet."

The hamster plopped down on the bed next to the duck, glancing over to see her bruised cheek.

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