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"Don't break the vending machine again, I'm sure the maintenance won't give us a new one."

The blonde girl rolled her eyes at the passing student, ignoring his words and the shoulder push as she went up to the rectangular box, inserting a view coins before pressing two combinations of numbers and letters.




Hyewon crouched down, grabbing the two canned drinks with one hand since her other hand was full with a few bags of chips. She decided to walk the way back to her dorm, some students giving her a few weird glances on her way.

It's not that she was tired, she was buzzing with leftover energy.

She opened the door to her room, startling when her short-haired roommate suddenly called out.

"Ten minutes, where were you going again?"

"Wh- you timed me? And I went to the vending machine."

Eunbi put her phone away, sparing a glance at the younger girl before going back to her book.

"You always wanted me to time you to see if you got faster. Did you get lost or something?"

Hyewon dropped the bags of chips on her desk, "even if I got lost, I could go around the whole school minus the rooms in five minutes."

"Then what took you so long this time? Last time I checked, you could reach the vending machine and come back in one minute."

"I walked."

Eunbi took another look at the girl, seeing Hyewon shrug nonchalantly as she chugged her drink.


She went back to the novel she was reading, Hyewon staring at the back of the older girl's head as she tapped her foot repeatedly on the carpet. She ran through all of what she wanted to say in her head, but in the end, she wondered why she was so nervous.

She does this every semester.

But this was the first time she did it after that classroom confrontation with Eunbi almost two months ago...

"Unnie, do you want Sprite? I got it for you but you can have it later if you don't want it now."

"Yeah, can I have it right now?"

Hyewon walked over to the girl, cracking the can open before handing it to her.

"Thanks, Hyewon-ah."

The blonde girl hummed in response, going back and sitting on her desk, swinging her dangling legs back and forth.

"You like sprite right?"

Eunbi took a sip, "yeah of course."

"Is it good?"




"Do you want to date me?"

Hyewon didn't realize the new pause before Eunbi's answer due to her nervousness, but for the older girl, she caught the blonde girl in her trick. Eunbi flipped a page of her book, taking another sip of her soda.


Hyewon waited for Eunbi to change her answer, "..."


The younger girl blinked, squinting at the back of Eunbi's head.

"Wait... Are you not going to..."

Eunbi finally glanced up, meeting the girl's brown orbs, "I said yes."

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