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The group of ten ran around the halls, abruptly stopping around the corner when they saw a guard next to a door.

They peered at him, hearing him sigh as he turned back around from staring inside.

"When will you wake up..."

"One of them has to be in there."

Yujin glanced at Eunbi, whispering to her, "I'll go."

"What? And do what??"

"Charm him, what else?"

"And if that doesn't work???"

"I'll go with her, if it doesn't work I'll just knock him out before he sees anything coming."

The oldest glanced back and forth between Hyewon and Yujin, reluctantly sighing, "okay..."

Wonyoung held Yujin's arm, "don't you think this is too risky? You saw that the man from before this all happened didn't get affected by my ability."

The puppy gave her a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine, Hyewon-unnie will be there with me. And besides, I made a promise to you, didn't I?"

The bunny hesitantly nodded, letting the two girls walk around the corner.


The girls tensed as the guard glowered at the two girls who just aimlessly walked towards him.

The man brought out a baton as they came closer, only to be stopped.

"Excuse me sir?"

The man let his arm fall to his side as Yujin gave him puppy eyes, "yes... miss?"

"Who's in that room you were guarding?"

"Oh... Just one of the prisoners... Girl with short purple hair... No one told me her name..."


Eunbi muttered under her breath as the rest of the girls watched the scene play out.

Yujin smiled, "ah... Can you open the door for me and my friend here?"

The guard lazily smiled, "of course, miss..."

He fumbled out a couple of keys, opening the two locks on the door.

"Thank you for your service, I don't need you anymore."

As the man snapped out of his daze, Hyewon threw a quick and precise backspinning kick at his head, making him drop cold onto the floor.

"Woah- where'd you learn how to do that?"

The blonde girl shrugged as the others ran towards them, "anime, I see them do it alot."

The ten girls walked inside the room, small windows bordering the top of two of the walls as if they were underground. Off to one side was their second eldest friend, cuffed by her wrists to the wall, her head hung low so her chin was at her chest.


The Japanese girl was barely conscious, her eyes dull and half-closed as a few of them tried to help her out of the thick metal that bound her.

"Y-you... h-have to... l-leave..."

"We're not leaving without you, Sakura."

"Then I suppose you girls won't leave at all..."

The girls jumped, an invisible force pushing those near Sakura away as iron cages fell onto them, trapping them in pairs. The sisters and maknaes clutched each other's hands, the duck feeling an immense amount of emotions from her sudden proximity to Hitomi, Hyewon and Nako glaring around the room while Minju was with Eunbi, trying to find another aura.

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