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Yuri slouched down into the farthest back seat of the bus, thankful that she was the only one on the vehicle. She covered her face with her hands, crying softly enough that the driver wouldn't hear, letting everything out.

It was only the second day of her winter break, and she already regretted everything she did...

She groaned to herself, leaning more down onto her seat after replaying the scene with her sister in her head. She couldn't believe she said all that at the heat of the moment, and she felt an immense amount of guilt after seeing Chaewon's pain-stricken face after she yelled at her.

All Chaewon did was try to help and protect her, and what did she do? Yell at her, cut her off, not address her as her 'unnie', run away.

"You idiot..."

Yuri mumbled under her breath, wiping away her tears with her hoodie sleeve as she pushed herself back up to sit straight.

Yuri took out her phone, plugging in her earbuds as she began to play her songs. She leaned against the bus window, aimlessly watching as her surroundings changed around her...




"Yuri, second year."

The tall security guard raised his eyebrow at the small hamster, "why are you here?"

"I came back. I changed my mind on staying with my family during break."

The man stared at her in silence, which made Yuri speak again.

"Can I not change my mind? I just want to stay in my dorm room for the break."

He sighed, gesturing for the other guard to open the gate, "you can go in. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are the same times as usual."

Yuri muttered a thank you under her breath, quickly passing the guards into the school grounds. Even if she didn't do anything but enter into the large main room, she felt comfortable already, taking a few moments to take deep breaths before beginning to walk down the '100' dorm rooms hall.

It was eerily quiet since there were no students or teachers out and about, but the girl curiously stopped when she heard music inside one of the dorm rooms before hers.

Room 104...

'Isn't this Yena and Chaewon-unnie's room?'

Yuri knocked on the oak door, waiting a few moments to realize that no one could hear due to the loud music. She knocked a little harder, and the music abruptly stopped.


"Sorry sir or ma'am, is my music that lo- Yuri?"


The two girls stared in surprise at each other, the duck quickly sensing that something happened as she saw Yuri's messy emotions.

"Oh uh- hey Yuri-yah, fancy seeing you back so soon?"

Yuri looked away, and the girl's sadness grew, "I thought it'd be better if I just stayed at school... Chaewon-unnie's still with our parents though."

Yena gave her a smile, waving the girl inside, "you can come in if you'd like."

Yuri returned the expression, "thanks Yena-unnie. What are you doing here though?"

"Ah well, I don't want to go home. My parents are always busy and well, I just don't feel like seeing them."

"Oh I see... Sorry I brought it up."

Yena wrapped her arm around the shorter girl's shoulders, "nah it's fine, don't worry about it."

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