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The said girl glanced behind her to be greeted by Minju.

"Yeah Minju-yah?"

"Can I come in?"

"Oh yeah of course."

The two Koreans went inside, Sakura's gaze on them dropping as they met her eyes.


Chaeyeon snapped out of her thoughts as Minju spoke, "let me heal you unnie."

The red-head stared at the angel, "you sure?"

Minju nodded, "yeah I'm sure."

Chaeyeon sat on her bed, the younger girl sitting next to her as she gently placed her hands on her bruised neck. The winged girl felt a soothing, yet slightly chilly, sensation wash through her veins as Minju's healing magic flowed through her. The other, older girl in the room just watched from her desk, her silence contrasting the loud thoughts running around in her head.

Minju then pulled away, sighing in exhaustion, "okay, done..."

"Thanks Minju-yah," Chaeyeon chuckled, "healing really does take a toll on you huh?"

The younger girl nodded slowly, "yeah, it does..."

The two girls suddenly startled as they saw Sakura walk by then without a word, a blank expression hanging from her face as she walked out the room.


Chaeyeon's calling was left unanswered, leaving the two Koreans staring at the now-closed door.


The older girl glanced over, "yes?"

"I was never able to see Kkura-unnie's aura but..."

Minju gazed at Chaeyeon, "I feel like she'd have a mixture of indigo and red."

"Uhhh... And that means?"

"People with an indigo aura are benevolent, they're well-meaning and kind, and they're also really intuitive... For red, she's got a lot of energy and strength, and lots of passion... But she also has fear because of who she is."

The younger girl then smiled, "and I think for her purity... If she wasn't a vampire, it would be pretty high as well."

"Yeah... I think so too..."

Chaeyeon then stood up, lending a hand, "I'll walk you to your room, I need to go find Sakura anyways."

Minju nodded, "thanks unnie."

The red-head smiled as they went out, ruffling the frog's hair, "of course."




'Where is she...'

Chaeyeon headed back outside, sending a few feathers to fly around and find her roommate who was surely still on school grounds.

She kicked at a few rocks as she circled the field next to the school, half-heartedly greeting a few students that waved at her.

Then one of her baby-blue feathers came up to her, stiffening itself to the direction of the back of the school.

"She went to the back?"

Yes, Chaeyeon talks with her feathers, and yes, her feathers can act on their own.

But that doesn't mean they have a mind of their own, we wouldn't want feathers randomly poking at people now do we.

Chaeyeon gathered her other feathers, following the now-lone quil as it led her to the back, only to point itself upwards as they arrived.

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