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"Is anyone hungry?"

The three younger members all quickly nodded at Nako, who just chuckled, "okay, then let's go to the food area."

They all followed the shorter girl, Yujin practically drooling as the scent of food hit her nose.

"Stop, you're acting like a dog sniffing at the air like that."

Yujin pouted at Wonyoung, "ah hush Wonyo-ah, it smells goodddd."

"The tickets I got lets you get one meal for free, so y'all can go around and get what you want from this area."

Yujin wrapped her arm around Wonyoung's shoulders which surprised the younger girl, "we'll go together, meet back here in thirty?"

The two Japanese girls gave a thumbs up, "sounds good."

Before the bunny had a say in anything, the puppy pulled them away.

"Why'd you want to split up from them?"

Yujin shrugged, "I enjoy their company but I wanted some time alone with my bunny."

"Y-your what?"

"My best friend."

Wonyoung stared at Yujin, noticing no difference in her smiling expression.

She was about to say something when Yujin suddenly pointed to a stall, "I think that's where that amazing smell's coming from, can we go there?"

Wonyoung glanced up, seeing that it was a Korean hotdog stand, "sure, Yujin-unnie, it does smell good."

The bunny let the puppy keep holding her hand as they walked over, both of them grateful that there was no line.

"Which one do you want, Wonyo?"

"I'll have number three."

Yujin nodded, talking to the cashier, "can I have one number four and one number three?"

The two of them handed their tickets to the woman, the worker in turn scanning them and nodding as she handed the slips of paper back to the girls alongside their receipt.

"A number four and three coming right up."

The students waited a little ways away, chatting with each other as per usual as they sat down on a bench.


"Order number ten!"

Yujin stood up, "I'll go get it."

"You sure unnie?"

The puppy smiled and nodded, "yeah, I'll be right back."

Wonyoung nodded, staring as Yujin jogged over to the food stall, thanking the cashier before walking back with two small, rectangular paper trays.

"Here, this one's yours."

"Thanks Yujin-unnie~"

The two began to eat, both of them amazed at how delicious their corn dogs were.

"Wonyoung-ah, try mine."

Yujin gestured with her food to Wonyoung, holding her tray with the other hand under the corn dog. The younger girl took a careful bite, her eyes widening in delight as the cheese inside melted in her mouth. She pulled away, a string of cheese following her, making Yujin laugh as Wonyoung tried to make it stop. The long thread finally ended, the two giggling from what just happened.


Was all the puppy thought as Wonyoung finished the bite of her food.

"Now you should try mine."

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