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"You did well... hiding both your identity and mine from your new... friends."

Sakura muttered under her breath, "I don't want to get killed again..."

The headmaster laughed, "ah dying isn't so bad... Keep it up... And make sure none of them suspect anything."

"Why did you even change me into a vampire? Why me of all people?"

"You can say that one of my comrades can see... the future."


He smiled creepily, "it seems like you're doing well in your classes, take care of your new found friends well."

"Wait- what do you mean by someone you know can see the fu-"

The man turned around and waved her away, "you are dismissed, you wouldn't want your roommate to worry, would you? She seems very fond of you already."

The Japanese girl was about to ask again, when she thought otherwise, knowing he would say nothing else.

She sighed and nodded, walking out his office, glancing around to see that the halls were empty.

It was almost curfew after all...

She slowly walked down the grand stairs, brushing her fingers against the railing as she did so.


"What do you mean?"


The Japanese girl paused in her steps, hearing two girls talking in the hallway she was supposed to go to for her dorm.

"I just can't see her aura or purity at all."

"Has that ever happened before?"

The familiar voices were soft, but thanks to Sakura's enhanced hearing, she heard perfectly from the corner where she hid.

"No, never. Sometimes experienced people can hide their aura, but there's always a sign, and no one can hide their purity meter."

"Huh... Are you sure you didn't see anything?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it, unnie. Does your ability work on her?"

"Yeah, she actually seemed really happy throughout lunch and after school when we all hung out, euphoric even. It's as if she never had a group of friends to talk to, or never hung out with anyone before."


One of the girls hummed in response, "yeah, even when like- Nako or Chaeyeon were teasing her, she might have looked annoyed but she was still happy."


"Yeah, maybe you just missed it or something, Minju-yah."

"Yeah maybe..."

"Or maybe you're right, maybe she's different from us. Either way, I know that she's a nice person looking at how she's acting and feeling."

Minju sighed, "yeah, yeah... Kkura-unnie is nice, I might have-"


As the Japanese girl the others were talking about took a step back, she bumped into a coat hanger, creating a dull thud that echoed around her. Before she could hide or run, she jumped in surprise as someone flew into the main room where she was in, the vampire's nightvision letting her see that it was Minju, floating and looking around the room.

But she couldn't see Sakura.

The older girl held her breath as Minju flew closer to her with a small sphere of light forming in her hand to see, pressing herself against the wall as the Korean looked around, seeming to analyze the coat hanger she bumped into.

Her eyes swooped over to Sakura's direction, but went straight past her, as if she wasn't there.


"Is anyone there?"

Yenal jogged over to Minju, who stood normally again.

"No... But you heard that right?"

The duck nodded her head, "yeah I did... maybe it's the ventilation?"

"Unnie, air ducts don't make a thudding noise, and it'd be too weak to move anything other than sheets of paper."

"Uhhhh... I don't know anything else that'd be here..."

"Do you know if anyone can turn invisible here?"

"Don't think so? Either way, wouldn't you still be able to see their aura?"

"True... Do you feel anything?"

"Nope, nothing at all."

Sakura sighed internally in relief, this must've been the ability the headmaster talked about earlier, where vampire's had super stealth...

She turned herself invisible... And no one could sense or see her.

"Let's just go... I'm tired, and Chaewon and Yuri must be wondering where we are as well."


Minju looked around one last time, "let's go."

Sakura poked her head past the corner, watching as the two younger girls waved goodnight as they went to their separate rooms down the hall.

She let out a long breath of air as both doors closed, walking down the hallway herself to get to her room.

She paused by a large mirror that hung in between two rooms, seeing that her reflection was still there, but slightly wavering and translucent. What shocked her was that her irises turned a golden-brown, the whites of her eyes turned an inky black.

'I must be invisible still...'

She kept staring at her reflection, trying to turn herself back to normal so she could go inside her dorm. Soon enough, her reflection turned back to normal, and her brown, human eyes were back.

She sighed, finally heading a little more down the corridor to room '122', softly knocking before heading inside.

She was startled when she saw her red-headed roommate leaning against the wall on her bed, reading a book with the lights turned dimly on. She figured Chaeyeon would be asleep, or at least getting ready to, since it was ten.

"You aren't sleeping yet?"

Chaeyeon glanced up, smiling and setting down her book, "I was waiting for you, Kkura-chan."

Sakura chuckled, "you were? This late as well?"

The younger girl shrugged, putting her book on her desk, "it's not that late. Where were you though?"

"I was talking with my dad."

"Ah, I see..."

The Japanese girl cleaned herself up, and as she walked out of the bathroom, she noticed Chaeyeon staring at her.


"Oh, you're just pretty."


Chaeyeon turned so she could reach the lightswitch next to her bed, "can I turn the lights off?"

Sakura blinked, considering for a few seconds if she actually heard Chaeyeon compliment her, "oh uh- yeah, I can see."

The Korean chuckled, turning off the lights as Sakura got under her blanket.

The older girl couldn't believe how comfortable everything was in the twenty-first century, ranging from the clothes, the mass amount of new snacks and foods, the mattress, blanket, and pillows...

She smiled to herself, her earlier conversation with the headmaster sent to the back of her mind.

'This might not be so bad...'

"Night, Kkura-chan."

"Goodnight, Chaeyeon-ah."

Sakura realized that since she was now a vampire, she couldn't sleep, so as the time passed, she heard the girl next to her softly snore, once in a while turning in her slumber. She let out a silent sigh as she rolled onto her side, letting the clock tick away in the darkness... 

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