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"Hi unnie..."

"Morning Wonyoung-ee, how was your sleep?"

The said girl yawned as she sat up, rubbing her swollen eyes, "good."

"That's good... Want me to come over right now so we can walk to the infirmary?"

"Actually, it's fine Eunbi-unnie, I could just go by myself..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I am."

"Are you fine with after school too?"

"You have to get ready for graduation."

"Wonyoung that's in two weeks."


"... One week? Wonyoung I'm fine, I'm just worried about you."

Wonyoung chuckled, "I'm fine as well unnie, don't worry about me."

Eunbi sighed through the phone, "okay... Don't be late for class."

"I won't~"

Wonyoung ended the call, stretching her sore limbs before heading into the bathroom.

She lied when she said she slept well, with her eyes you could tell she had been crying for most of the night...

'Maybe I can ask for an icepack when I get there...'

The bunny cleaned herself up, changing into her school uniform before slinging her backpack over her shoulder.



Knock Knock...

Wonyoung slid the door to the infirmary open, smiling at the lone nurse.

"Hello ma'am. May I come in?"

"Good morning, I assume you're here for Yujin?"

"Yes I am."

"Come in come in, I'm afraid to say that she hasn't woken up yet..."

The smile Wonyoung gave faltered, "ah I see... Oh uh- can I get an ice pack? My eyes are a bit swollen..."

The nurse gave the student a sympathetic look as she nodded, "of course dear."

As Wonyoung thanked the nurse, she walked up to the closed curtain, dragging a stool near the only occupied bed as she sat down.

"Here you are."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Of course, make sure to not press it for too long at a time okay? You don't want your skin to get too cold."

The bunny nodded, the older woman leaving her and the puppy be.

Wonyoung held the cold pack with one hand, the other reaching over and grasping Yujin's hand.

"Wake up soon unnie..."

~ ~ ~

"Where's Wonyo?"

Eunbi glanced over to Yuri as she sat down at their usual round table, "she's visiting Yujin at the infirmary."

"Ah... I see..."

The group of ten girls were sullen at the fact that their second youngest friend was still unconscious, no one really in the mood to lighten things up.

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