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[M] - There's a small bit of blood/violence near the beginning (vampire things)

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Sakura groaned, sitting up from where she fell to see that she was back in her "father's" office.

"Apologies for the rough landing, it doesn't work well if the other person is walking around."

The girl brushed herself off as she stood up, "I didn't know vampires could do that..."

The headmaster laughed, "we each have our different abilities..."

"Then what's mine?"

The man walked up to the Japanese girl, "we all have similar ones, rapid regeneration, super stealth, the ability to heal another's wound if their blood is fresh enough..."

Sakura swallowed a lump in her throat when he mentioned blood, remembering how vampires were thirsty for human blood in everything that she has heard and seen.

He smiled, gazing deep into the girl's eyes, "now for your special ability... Let's see... Ah, you have the ability to let others forget what they saw in a given amount of time. That's useful."

"How so?"

"When we vampires use our abilities, our eyes turn into a golden color, when we need to feed, it turns slightly red... If someone catches you using your abilities... You can erase what they saw as long as it's been a short enough time, to save yourself."

"What happens to them?"

He shrugged, "they just fall asleep like they normally would, no harm done to them."

Sakura sighed, thankful her ability wasn't lethal.

"Anyways... You are hungry, are you not? I know I would be without any meals for three-hundred years..."

Sakura's head jerked up, seeing the headmaster hold a body by their head, the human seeming to be freshly killed.

Her vision blurred and darkened in tint, the strong scent of iron hitting her nose.

The man tossed the body in front of her, "he's all yours."

Without thinking, the girl lunged at the body and bit down into they're fleshy neck, drinking the person dry.

After she finished, her vision returned to normal, and she stared at the unidentifiable human below her.


The man laughed, and with the snap of his fingers, both the body, and the blood on the floor and Sakura's face and hands, disappeared.

"Did you enjoy it? The first taste of fresh human blood is always the best."

Sakura weakly stood up, "d-did I... kill them?"

"No, it was already dead."

She glanced at her hands, seeing darkish, sharp nails receding back to reveal her human ones.


"Vampires have evolved to be able to consume human food and beverages... But we still need our dose of blood..."

"How often..."

"Come again?"

"How often do I have to do this."

The man smiled, "if you have a good feed, perhaps every month, although everyone is different."

"Every month..."

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