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"Hello, my name is Miyawaki Sakura, please take care of me."

(A/n: I have no idea if people still say this in Asian schools, apologies if I'm wrong)

The class all smiled at the Japanese girl, the teacher sending her to her seat, which was behind a particular blonde girl.

As soon as the teacher turned around, the girl did too, waving at Sakura.

"Hey, name's Kang Hyewon. Nice to meet ya."

Sakura startled from her sudden friendliness, "o-oh, nice to meet you too."

"So, you're the hea-"

"Miss Kang, face the front please."

Hyewon rolled her eyes before doing as she was told, her leg bouncing constantly.

The girl that was Sakura's partner leaned in and whispered when the teacher looked for something on their desk.

"Sorry about her, she's always hyper."


"Welcome though, my name's Eunbi."

The two girls exchanged smiles, facing back to the front before the teacher realized they were talking.

The class began, Eunbi taking dutiful notes while Sakura tried to follow along with the lesson, Hyewon probably switching her leg position a couple hundred times during the fifty minute period.

"Hyewon, please read section five, slowly."

The girl in front of Sakura stood up with her book, seeming to rap the words on the page.

"Slower please."

"North... Korea... Invaded... The South... in June 1950... The-"

Eunbi silently smacked her face, shaking her head as the teacher asked Hyewon to sit down.

"Dumb idiot..."

She muttered under her breath, which Sakura wouldn't normally be able to hear but thanks to her newly keen senses, she had to stifle a smile.

When the teacher was writing something on the board, the raven-haired girl passed a slip of paper to Sakura, who began to read secretly.

'Her gift is that if she eats foods high in sugar, she becomes really strong and fast... and talks too much (and too fast as well). She ate a lot of sugar this morning... *sigh* -.-'

The Japanese girl glanced at Eunbi, raising an eyebrow as she shook her head in annoyance.

The bell then rang, a few of the students walking out to go to their special classes alongside the teacher.

Hyewon turned around again, "anyways~ Hello, nice to meet you, your hair's really pretty, and you're the headmaster's daughter?"

Sakura blinked, "uhhhhh, hi... Nice to meet you as well, thank you, and yes, I am."

"Hyewon don't make her tired on her first day here, you're going to talk her ear off."

The blonde girl pouted, "no I won't that's not even physically possible unnie."

"Metaphorically, it is."

"'Metaphorically it is'."

Hyewon copied the older girl in a mocking tone, which earned a soft giggle from Sakura and a glare from Eunbi.

"See, Saku-unnie thought it was funny. I can call you 'Saku-unnie' right? Since I'm younger than you."

"Yeah sure, I don't mind."

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