CHAPTER 40 :: P1

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Knock Knock...

The door to the office opened with Hitomi and Nako behind a semi-tall, brown-haired man. The girls that could move all bowed towards the man, all of them greeting him respectfully.

The man smiled, "hello girls," before nodding at the headmaster, "hey, Lee-ssaem."

Mr Nam sweeped his eyes over the scene, his gaze lingering on the dead man as he noted what to do with him afterwards.

"Hitomi and Nako told me everything. Does anyone need any help before we get moving?"

"No, we're all fine."

The man nodded, holding the door open for all of them, "my ability is working right now for all of- ... For most of you..."

He gazed at Sakura who flinched, "oh uh- I can do that myself."

Many of the girls widened their eyes as the Japanese girl suddenly disappeared, "kkura-unnie you can turn invisible?"

Someone chuckled in the room, "yeah, I can."

The man glanced over to the headmaster, who stared in the general direction of where Sakura was.

"May I tell him who you are after you all are in the infirmary, Sakura?"

"Oh of course, Lee-seonsaengnim."

"Well then, follow me, quickly now."

All twelve girls alongside Miss Lee followed the man out the office, a few students here and there going about their business and not minding a bunch of hurt girls pass by them.

Of course, even if they were invisible, they took care to not accidentally bump into anyone.

"We've arrived, there's no one else in the infirmary except for the other nurses."

A handful of adults bowed at the headmaster and the man as the group entered, Mr. Nam's ability seeming to have worn off.

Without further ado, the nurses helped Chaewon and Yujin onto beds readied for them, whisking the curtains close for now so that no one would see.

Chaeyeon was sent to a bed that was bent so she could sit up, the winged girl thanking the nurses as they helped her on, tending to her wounded arm.

"Yena over here is hurt too."

"Is anyone else injured besides these four?"

"The rest of us are fine... Some of us just have a few bruises but it's nothing severe."

One of the nurses nodded, "you may all stay here if you'd like, please don't hesitate to come to any of us for assistance."

"Thank you~"


Miss Lee gazed at all the girls, "I must take my leave, I'd love to stay and watch over you all but, I can not be away from my office for too long. And there's also another matter to be... taken care of."

"I'll go with you to help out with that."

The winged woman nodded at the man, "thank you."

She then glanced over to Chaeyeon, the red-head giving her a weak smile, "I'll be fine Lee-ssaem, don't worry about me."

With that, the two adults left them all alone, leaving the other nurses to do their jobs.

~ ~ ~

A purple-haired girl quickly went to the sink, washing off the blood on her hands as best as she could before walking over to one of the patients.

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