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A certain short-haired girl groaned, stirring awake...

Chaewon blinked a few times, only to realize that the room wouldn't get brighter.


She held her head as she sat up, looking around to see... nothing.

She could barely see her hand in front of her face due to the inky darkness of the room she was in, the chilly air not helping the situation at all.



'Am I alone?'

Her voice bounced against the walls with no reply, making the girl nervous since she was scared of the dark...

And being alone...

"I-is anyone t-there?"

Chaewon called out louder, her heart sinking as no one answered once more.







The short-haired girl slowly crawled back, yelping in surprise when she met with the room's wall.

'This can't be real...'

She squeezed her eyes shut, "I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming."

She even pinched herself for good measure, only to open her eyes and see that she was still in the pitch black room.

"O-oh fuck..."

Chaewon's heartbeats began to rise as she hugged herself tightly, her worst nightmare dawning on her as her breathing quickened.

"W-where the hell am I..."

She always thought she was pretty strong, always taking care of her younger sister and their parents, sometimes helping Eunbi around even with those who were older than her... She was fine with scary movies, the monsters, demons, and whatever the movie threw at her would be gone by the time they exited the movie theater...

But her demons...

Always found a way to chew her right up.

She rested her head on her knees, trying to steady her breathing only to have her throat close up as salty tears burned her eyes.

She had to stay strong...

'But all that toughness was just an act to hide everything else...'

She has to go back to her friends, to Yuri.

'Your shaking eyes and legs ruin your bravado...'

Even that stranger from before knew she was weak, powerless...

Chaewon couldn't help but let her tears fall...

She never felt so alone and frightened in her life.

~ ~ ~


A finger twitched, the hand's owner slowly regaining consciousness as her head began to throb.


Her back was aching as well as she pushed off the wall she was leaning on to sit up straight, looking around to see that she was in a room with no light at all. The darkness didn't sway her at all, her thoughts calm and collected...

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