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[M] - Violence and blood


Chaewon's head pounded as Hyewon shoved her head down to the wooden floor, shakily breathing as the older girl pushed her onto her back, climbing on top of her and reaching for her neck.


One of Hyewon's hands left her neck to slap away Chaewon's who was reaching for her face, the short-haired girl letting out a strangled cry of pain as the older girl slammed her fist down onto her hand.

She felt her bones break.

Her howl was reduced to nothing in mere minutes as the blonde's hands went back to her neck, Hyewon's grip tightening quickly to the point where Chaewon couldn't let out any more noise.

Her silent suffering brought tears to her eyes, her vision darkening at the corners as she felt herself lose air.

'Yuri... Minju...'

'I... can't... leave them...'

But Chaewon's life slowly slipped away...



Chaewon gasped as oxygen rushed back into her lungs, letting out hoarse coughs as Hyewon was thrown off of her.

She was too tired to move, but from the corner of her eyes she saw another girl with blonde, but lighter, hair shove Hyewon more away from Chaewon.


'N-no... Hitomi...'

The last thing Chaewon saw before pitch blackness was Hyewon's eyes widening subtly, mouthing something to the Japanese girl...

~ ~ ~


Wonyoung gasped as Nako landed a hit on Eunbi, the two a few feet away from her and Yujin as they fought.

Or well...

Nako fought, Eunbi would die rather than hurt her own friend.

The quiet gasp was heard by the Japanese girl, and she whipped her head to the two maknae's direction before pushing off Eunbi.

The tall bunny scooted away, knowing she wouldn't have a chance against the older girl since she had no skills related to combat at all.

Everything frightened her, that man controlling some of her friends, Yuri struggling to keep her hands up to deflect Yena's constant blows, Chaeyeon bleeding badly from her arm while Minju was standing guard around her, Sakura receiving and giving blows to the other vampire, Hyewon fighting off Hitomi, how Chaewon with her bruised neck was unmoving on the floor just like Yujin was...

It was enough to bring hints of tears to her eyes, but she fought them away, she couldn't cry now.

'I still have to protect Yujin-unnie...'

Wonyoung stood up, now towering over Nako and putting her hands up to try and calm the girl.

"H-hey... Nako-"

Her eyes widened as the girl began to run towards her, backing away only to have Eunbi back up on her feet, blocking the punch with her arms as she grimaced.


"No one's going to hurt my youngest daughter."

Nako swept her foot around, the eldest dodging it while still shielding Wonyoung and Yujin, seeming to have memorized the shorter girl's movements.

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