CHAPTER 25 :: P1

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A girl with short black hair let out a gasp as her eyes shot open, looking around to see that she was in a dimly lit, stone room, a door off to the side with a small, barred window. She groaned as she stood up, her eyes widening when she saw a familiar girl unconscious on the floor on the other side of the room.


Eunbi ran over, shaking the blonde girl but receiving no reaction.

She felt for Hyewon pulse, sighing in relief when she found one. She sat down next to the younger girl and leaned against the wall, worriedly staring at her girlfriend...

~ ~ ~




'What's all that noise...'



Hyewon's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing a familiar outdoor cafeteria filled with tables, benches, and students.

'Huh? Where am I?'

The blonde girl awoke to be sitting against a brick wall, wearing a school uniform that was a crimson red with black outlines, different from ENOZI's royal blue embroidered with gold.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Hyewon startled and glanced up, seeing a familiar girl from her past hold her hand out to her.

'How is she here?'

The girl crouched down, "hello? You can talk right?"

Hyewon startled out of her shock, her voice and body seeming to move on their own will, "h-huh- oh yeah, I can. I'm fine."

The girl sighed as she glared to the side, "those boys are really mean... I just transferred here and I can already see that."

Hyewon chuckled, "they're just stupid, but uh- Welcome."

The girl smiled, "thanks, I'm Yu Minyoung."

Hyewon smiled back, "Kang Hyewon."

The girl, Minyoung, stood up, holding out her hand again for Hyewon, "so, what year are you in?"

The blonde girl thanked her as she stood up, "first, you?"

Minyoung grinned, "me too!" Only to act shy again due to her sudden burst of loudness, "oop- sorry."

She chuckled, "it's nice to meet you, Hyewon."

Hyewon grinned, "same here, hopefully we have classes together after lunch?"

"Maybe? That'd be nice..."

The girl then pouted, "I'm scared I won't make any friends here since I moved during the middle of the year..."

"If you'd like, I can be your friend..."

Hyewon looked away after her first statement, weakly smiling, "I don't really have any..."

"Whattt, but you're so pretty though! Are you sure you're not popular or anything?"

The blonde girl chuckled bitterly, "if I was popular I don't think those boys would have made fun of me... Honestly, it might be better if you don't befriend me, I'm weird."

Minyoung shook her head, "I don't think so. I mean- I know we just met, but you seem like a nice person."

Hyewon finally glanced back to meet the girl's eyes, "really?"

She hummed in response, "yeah! I don't mind being your friend if you're fine with it."

The taller girl smiled softly, "that'd be nice..."

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