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[M] - Violence and blood

"I'll kill you later..."

The vampire chuckled before bringing his gaze back to another student who staggered to her feet, wiping away the bit of blood from her lips with the back of her hand.

"Don't you dare hurt her!"

His eyes swept to the girls who stared in horror, smirking at a certain brown-haired girl who was still being held back by her roommate and sister.

"You just gave me a new idea... Don't worry, I won't kill your beloved yet..."

He took a step towards Yena, the duck taking a step back while glaring up at him.

"Let's see how this works shall we?"

"Huh? What do you- ..."


The vampire whipped his head around to the startled girls, his eyes glowing as he made eye-contact with two others.

"Oh shi- guys don't look into his eyes, he's using Yujin's gift."

That immediately made the others look away as the man chuckled.

"You, duck girl... Go for her."

Yuri flinched as her girlfriend turned her head towards her, the older girl's eyes devoid of life as she began to walk over.


The hamster felt the grip on one of her arms loosen as Chaewon stepped in between the mindlessly possessed duck and herself.

"Unnie, I don't want to hurt you, but I'm not going to let my sister get hurt."

The man glanced over to one of the other girls who stood lifelessly, motioning with his head.

"You can have her."

Before Chaewon could react, she was harshly thrown against the wall, groaning from the impact as she felt hands gripping her shoulders.

"Hyewon no!"

The others yelled out, but their words bounced off the blonde girl's head, her mind locked except to the vampire's words as her eyes were dimmed in color.

"And you... can have anyone you'd like."

The cat-like girl moved from her spot, eyes locking onto Eunbi who was currently trying to pry Hyewon from Chaewon.

With a leap and a swift sweep, the eldest was knocked from her feet, pulled away from Hyewon as she was met with a flurry of attacks.

"Don't pay attention to your surroundings and you'll be killed."

Sakura's eyes widened as the male vampire formed in front of her, dodging quickly whilst bringing Chaeyeon, who was in no condition to fight from the continuous loss of blood, away and behind the rest of the girls who weren't possessed or struggling.

"Protect her."

But one of them ran as Sakura turned to face the man again, pulling away from Hitomi and Minju to be at her puppy's side.

"U-unnie, wake up..."

Wonyoung crouched down in front of Yujin, fear seeping through her veins as she saw that the older girl was unresponsive. She turned her over from her side to her back, resting her head on her chest to find a pulse.




'Oh thank God...'

Yujin was just unconscious...

The tall bunny held the puppy's limp hand, trying to stop the scene of how Yujin tried to heroically save Yena by trying to punch that horrid vampire, only to get hurt badly herself, from running through her mind like a film on loop...


~ ~ ~


Chaewon winced as she felt the older girl's nails dig into her shoulders, the blonde only loosening her hold when Eunbi held at one of her arms, trying to pull her away.


A small but quick figure knocked the short-haired girl off her feet, pushing her away before landing blow after blow towards Eunbi, who did her best to dodge Nako's swift punches.

Chaewon focused back on the girl in front of her just in time to see a fist coming right for her face, turning her head just in time for Hyewon's blow to make a small dent on the wall behind her.

'She's going to kill me-'

The radish let out a small note, pushing the blonde girl away as she began to tremble from the sudden vibrations passing through her bones.

The attack let Chaewon breath for a few moments, only to be forced to move left and right to avoid Hyewon's speedy punches and kicks. She couldn't dodge them forever though, and she was at a bad disadvantage in terms of energy and power.

Chaewon doubled over as Hyewon's leg collided with her stomach, all the air being forced out of her lungs as the force of the kick made her crash into a bookshelf, the girl falling to the floor with a thud as she coughed.

It didn't help that some of the hard-covered books fell on her as she struggled to lift herself even up one elbow, and as she saw the tips of Hyewon's shoes in her vision, she whimpered as the older girl slowly lifted her up by her short hair.

"S-stop it... p-please..."

~ ~ ~


The duck and hamster were a couple feet apart from each other, the nothingness in her girlfriend's eyes scaring Yuri.

Yena stopped her walk when a ball of light formed in between them, her gaze sweeping over to Minju.

The angel flinched from her stare, her eyes widening as the older girl raised her arm, continuing to stare as she closed her hand over the floating sphere. Yena showed no signs of pain as she let her arm back down to her side, the ball completely gone, drops of crimson rubies dripping from her hand that was now burned.

Yuri stiffened as the bleeding hand clutched her shoulder, feeling the sticky liquid seep through her uniform as she tried to pull away.

"Unnie ple-"

The younger girl gasped as she was shoved harshly to the floor, staring up in fear as Yena slowly crouched down. Before she could push herself away the possessed girl held her down by her shoulders, securing the second year student under her before lifting one of her balled fists into the air.

Yuri held her arms up to protect her head, wincing as she felt Yena's powerful punch on her forearms, constantly whimpering for her to stop as the blonde girl landed hit after hit at her soon-to-be broken shield.

~ ~ ~

"Unnie, are you okay?"

Chaeyeon weakly chuckled, "I'll be fine, don't pay attention to me, you guys might get hurt if you do."

"I can heal y-"


The winged girl glanced over to Minju, "save that for later, one of us might get hurt worse than me so don't waste it right now."

The angel's eyes suddenly widened and she sent multiple balls of light near Hitomi, who backed away in surprise. The male vampire sneered as he jumped back, grunting in pain as Sakura landed a kick to his stomach.

"I'm your fight, don't bring them into this."

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