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"Hey, guys."

Eleven pairs of eyes swooped over to Eunbi, who was sitting against the wall on her bed alongside Hyewon.

Who knows why all twelve girls chose their room to hang out with each other, when they easily could have gone to the cafeteria or anyplace else.

"Yeah unnie?"

"Let's eat dinner outside today."

The eldest then gazed at Sakura, who was comfortably leaning against Chaeyeon on Hyewon's bed.

"You can go out of the school now right?"

"Yeah, I can."

Eunbi smiled, "well, then we can give you a tour."

Sakura's eyes perked up, "really?"

"Yeah, really."

"Did you enjoy the tteokbokki from a few months ago?"

Hyewon grinned as Sakura nodded, "there's so much more good food out there, trust me."

"There's also a really good place to see the sunset nearby!"

"Yeah! It's only like... fifteen minutes away from here."

Chaewon glanced over to the maknaes, "did you guys live here or something?"

Yujin grinned as the two nodded, "yup, or well- we lived in Seoul but we came here almost every weekend because Wonyo's grandma and cousins live here."


"Sound good Kkura-chan?"

The girl smiled, "yeah... Sounds good."

Chaeyeon intertwined her hand into Sakura's, giving the older girl a smile, "we can go out as much as you want to now, okay?"

The Japanese girl softly blushed, "okay..."

"Ewwwww not in front of us!"

The couple flinched, both glaring at Yena, "says you!"

"What about me?"

"You're always acting so lovey dovey to your 'sweet adorable little hamster'~"

Both Yuri and Yena flustered from that, the younger girl burying her face into Yena's chest while the duck embarrassingly quaked, "h-hey!"

Chaewon raised an eyebrow at the older girl, "how many nicknames do you even have for my sister? I lost count."

The blonde girl's cheeks darkened even more in color, "y-your one to t-talk!"

The radish shrugged, snuggling closer to Minju, "I have no idea what you're talking about, I only call my Min a few different names."

The frog slightly blushed, ruffling her hair back as she wrapped an arm around the older girl's shoulders to hide her fluster.

"I feel so bad for room 79 and 77..."

Hitomi sighed, nodding along with Nako, "yup... me too."

The constant bickering began once more, leading to Eunbi rubbing her forehead in exhaustion.

"You okay unnie?"

Hyewon muttered under her breath as she secretly wrapped her arm around the older girl's waist under the blanket they were sharing, which went unnoticed by the others due to the loud noises they were making.

"I'm thinking about just making it a double date and only bringing you, Sakura, and Chaeyeon."

The younger girl chuckled, "if you do that the others will just come along secretly."

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