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"It feels weird without your sister here."

A red-head glanced over to her girlfriend, "does it really?"

Sakura hummed in response, plopping onto her bed, "she was pretty funny."

Chaeyeon rolled her eyes, sitting next to the Japanese girl, "you think Chaeryeong roasting me is funny?"

"Well, no offense, she's got good humor."

The winged girl chuckled, resting her head on the other's shoulder, "I know, I'm kidding."

She then wrapped her arm around the vampire's waist, perking the purple-haired girl's interest.

"What's with all the skinship?"

"Hm? Nothing..."

"I'm not an emotions expert like Yena but I can tell something's up."

Chaeyeon chuckled, snuggling closer to Sakura, "I just... want to be with you, forever..."

"Chaeyeon, it's not like you're going to die, what's up?"

"I will sooner or later," the Korean girl pulled away, "I'm twenty now, you're still eighteen! It feels weird being older than you."

Sakura laughed, "Chaeyeon-ah, who's the one who was born like... three hundred years ago."

"I- That's true but... I just... I don't want you to be alone, Kkura-chan."

"Well, I'll never forget you, even if I'm still alive another century from now."

"You left something on your desk the other day..."

The Japanese girl blinked, wondering why Chaeyeon suddenly changed the topic.


"And I've been reading..."

Chaeyeon stood up, walking over to Sakura's drawer where she grabbed a black velvet book before coming back.

"Oh you've been reading- wait- ... Chaeyeon, no."

"I don't want to leave you, and I don't want you to be alone after I'm gone."

"I don't even know how it works! I mean- I do, but I've never tried it before, it's too dangerous."

"You've healed me before, and you've always told me that was dangerous too."

"This is different, what if I can't stop myself? I don't want to end up killing you."

Sakura froze as Chaeyeon caressed her cheek, "you'll know what to do, I'm sure of it."

Knowing the danger won't hit the Korean girl's mind, Sakura brought up her family.

"And what about your family? Chaeryeong?"

"My family will be fine, our youngest sister's getting much better lately. And you already know about Chaer, she hasn't been around much because of training ever since last year. She's bound to debut soon."

It shocked both older girls when Chaeryeong talked about wanting to pursue her dream to sing and dance on stage after she graduated high school. It worried both of them, but look at the younger girl now, one of the top trainees alongside a couple of her school friends in the entertainment company that debuted 'TWICE'...

Sakura sighed, "are you sure about this? Once you become one, there's no turning back."

Chaeyeon nodded, "I'm sure."

The Japanese girl stood up, taking the vampire book from Chaeyeon's hands, "I guess I can't change your mind... You can get to the forest behind ENOZI alone, right?"

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