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The said girl glanced over to Yuri as she went out of the bathroom, seeing the younger girl on her bed with her guitar on her lap.


"Can you listen to this? I want to see if it's good."

Minju grinned, sitting at the edge of her own bed, "ooo sure."

The hamster began to play a soft and mellow tune, and the older girl was impressed by how easily she played the guitar. She swayed along with the rhythm, looking closely to see that Yuri was mumbling words without sound as well.

The frog clapped after she finished, "wow, that was amazing. Did you make that melody yourself?"

Yuri blushed in shyness, "yeah I did, did you really like it?"

Minju nodded her head, "yeah I did, are there lyrics too?"

Yuri put her index finger to her lips, "there is but you can't hear it yet."

Minju pouted, "why not?"

She giggled, "I'm thinking about joining the school's talent show."

The older girl gasped, "really?"

Yuri hummed in response, "yup, that's why I can't show you the full thing~"

Minju giggled, putting a fist in the air, "Yuri hwaiting."

The younger girl copied her gesture, "hwaiting."

The two laughed, Yuri putting away her guitar as the two got ready to go to breakfast.

"You should sign up today, so all the spots won't get filled up."

"Do they get filled up easily?"

Minju nodded as she slung her bag over her shoulder, "pretty quickly yeah. Let's go, I saw the sign-up sheet yesterday."

Yuri quickly grabbed her backpack and followed the older girl out the room, walking down the hall.

There was a crowd of students already at a sheet of paper, but it turns out that most of them were just watching to see who'd join.

"Excuse me, sorry, coming through."

A few of the teenangers glanced to see two girls passing by them to the paper, one of them being very familiar to them, so they began to whisper.

"Do you think Minju's going to join again?"

"Probably, she's going over to the paper."

"Damn, she was good last year don't you think?"

"What about that other cute girl next to her? She might be the one that's joining."

Yuri slightly blushed from the compliment, keeping her head down as she followed the older girl.

"Maybe, or maybe it's a duo act?"

Minju then turned around, giving the whispering students a smile, "sorry, but I'm not joining this year. Thanks for enjoying last year's though."

Yuri and Minju finally made it to the sheet of paper, seeing that there was only one vacant spot left.

Minju sighed in relief, "it's good we made it on time."

Yuri chuckled, "all thanks to you unnie, I didn't even know this was here."

She took the pen that was stuck on the paper, writing down her name and year.

"Come on, our friends must be waiting."

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