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Knock Knock...

"Come in, the door is open."

A purple-haired girl poked her head inside the office, glancing over to see a familiar teacher sitting behind a large desk.

"Hello... Am I bothering you?"

The older woman gave her a warm smile, "not at all Sakura, what brings you here?"

The Japanese girl slid inside, closing the door behind her as she walked up to the new headmaster.

"Well... I have to tell you something. Or well, I've been meaning to, I just haven't found the right time..."

"Is this about your father?"

Sakura bowed her head, "he's... not my father."

The Korean woman tilted her head, "he's not?"

"I um- for you to understand I'd have to tell you everything."

"Sit, sit, no need to be awkward around me."

Sakura sat down in front of the winged adult, the latter leaning on her desk in full attention.

Just like the old headmaster did...

But unlike him, her eyes were filled with warmth.

She made Sakura feel comfortable... Safe.

"Lee-sseunsaengnim... I'm... He's..."

The Japanese girl sighed, staring at her clenched hands on her lap, "we're both undead."

"... Come again?"

"We're both vampires. I don't know his story but he turned me into one a really really long time ago..."

Sakura finally looked up, although her eyes couldn't stay focused for very long, "I lived in Japan in the 1700s when Nakamikado was Japan's emperor. I came to Korea alongside my family in 1720, where I met that man, and that was when I was eighteen... He... used his ability to lure me here... I... I remember him biting me and well... That's all I remember until I woke up on the first day of school this year. When I woke up, he told me that I had to pretend to be his daughter or else he'd... kill me."

The room was silent for a while, the teacher's eyes boring into Sakura as she fidgeted around.

She sighed sorrowfully, garnering the Japanese girl's attention once more, "I'm very sorry to hear your story... It must have been hard going along with what he wanted... let alone fitting into this time period."

The woman gave Sakura a light smile, "I assume that you didn't have any supernatural abilities beforehand?"

Sakura shook her head, "no, I didn't even know that people with these abilities existed until I woke up here."

Miss Lee nodded, "a vampire... Well, Sakura, I'm fine with you being who you are... Seeing as though you didn't want to be like this nor have you intentionally hurt anyone but..."

She gazed at the girl, "you must be careful around others."

Sakura nodded, "yes I know. The only ones that know are you and my friends."

The teacher chuckled, "your friends are an amusing group... I trust them and I'm sure you do too..."

"Yes, I do... Thank you for understanding, Lee-sseunsaengnim."

The woman grinned, "of course, is there anything else you wanted to say?"

"Two things actually... The first one is, can I go outside?"

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