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The said girl looked up, seeing the duck scratch her nape, "yes unnie?"

"Can you and Yuri switch rooms? Just for today."

The younger girl stared at Yena, "do you not like being my roommate?"

"N-no it's not that! You're an amazing roommate it's just- I just- want to spend time with Yuri after what happened today... And besides, I know you'd love~ to spend more time with Minju anyways."

Chaewon flustered up, throwing a pillow at the older girl, "hey! I was kidding, I was going to say yes anyways but you didn't have to bring Minju up!"

Yena laughed as her friend huffed, tossing the pillow back to her, "am I wrong though?"

The radish looked away, fanning her face, "and thanks, I know I'm an amazing roommate you duck."

Yena rolled her eyes as Chaewon avoided her question, a knock on the door stopping them from bickering more.

Yena smiled, already knowing it was Yuri, "come in~ Door's open."

The hamster poked her head in, glancing at the two who were sitting on their respective beds, "hi unnies."

Chaewon glanced at Yena after seeing that her younger sister was already in some pajamas with her phone and duck plush in hand, glasses perched on her nose with her hair slightly wet and messy.

"Did you already tell her before telling me?"

The duck sheepishly chuckled, Yuri in turn staring at her sister, "unnie can I stay with Yena-unnie for tonight?"


Yena stopped laughing, glancing over to the younger girl in shock as Yuri frowned.

"Why not?"

"You're not her roommate."

"Well, I'm her girlfriend."


Yuri pouted, her voice becoming a little whiny, "unnie pleaseeeee? Just one night, I promise I won't mess with your stuff."

Chaewon sighed, standing up to clean her desk, "you better not mess with my stuff."

It took a few moments for the hamster to understand her sister, those few moments letting the older girl walk up and ruffle her hair.

"I'm kidding, I already told Yena-unnie that it was fine."



Yuri pouted again, making her older sister laugh, "you're so fun to tease Yuri-yah~"

"Ah unnieeee."

"Let me just get my stuff, does Minju know about this?"

The hamster shook her head as Chaewon went back to her side of the room to grab her phone and pillow, "no, she went to heal Chaeyeon-unnie and she didn't come back yet. I left the door unlocked though."

The radish nodded, "well, see you two later."

But before she fully went out the door, she turned around again, glaring and pointing at Yena.

"Be a good duck."

Yena swallowed a lump in her throat from Chaewon's sudden intimidation, "y-yes ma'am."

When they heard the door fully close, Yuri giggled, walking over to Yena and climbing on top of her for a hug.

"I never heard you that scared before."

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