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"Woah- Sorry!"

A really light-blonde-haired girl startled as someone zoomed past her, almost knocking into the speedy human.

She squinted at where the girl ran off too, "Hyewon?"

She shook her head, of course it was Hyewon, no one else had that much energy in the morning, let alone be able to run that fast.

The girl walked back to her room, '69', setting a few books down on her desk as she entered.

"Wahhh, what's up with all these books?"

The girl's roommate, a short, dark-haired girl with bangs, walked up to her, glancing at all the novels on her desk.

"Morning Nako-chan. And you know me, I get books I can read for the semester."

Nako stared in wonder, "you're going to read all of that in the next few months?"

The girl chuckled, "it's not that much you know."

"True... Our Hii-chan is a fast reader."

The girl, Hitomi, smiled from the compliment, "ah, thank you~"

Nako grinned back, "I can feel that you're really happy."

Hitomi startled and looked away, "sorry, is my ability affecti-"

Nako shook her head, "no no it's fine! Really, it feels good to feel what you're feeling right now. It's a good way to start off the morning."

Hitomi smiled at the older girl, thankful her special power wasn't annoying her. She had the ability to affect other people's emotions around her... With the emotion she was feeling at that moment. At times it was difficult to witness, if she got sad or angry, people around her would feel the same way. Sometimes it was weird, whenever she did something even subtly cool or charming, people would swoon at her when they usually wouldn't. She got used to it after moving to ENOZI for her high school years, but she always wished she knew how to control it...

Now for Nako...


Hitomi jumped from Nako's yell, turning around to see that Nako swiftly jumped onto her own desk, staring at the floor with widened eyes.

"What? What's wrong?"

"There's a- oh wait- no nevermind false alarm, it's a dust bunny."

How can Nako see a small dust bunny on a carpet the same color as the dust without crouching down you ask?

And how can she jump with ease onto her desk, which was around half her height, without breaking a sweat or losing balance?

Well, she's a cat.

Or well... She has the abilities of a cat.

No fall-damage, rarely loses her balance, very quick and agile, easily able to see in the dark, her senses are heightened...

Maybe she really was a cat in her past life.

All we know is that she's similar to one now.

Nako jumped down from the desk, "sorry to scare you."

Hitomi chuckled, "it's fine, don't worry. Are you ready to go to class?"

"Is it time already?"

"Mmm, the bell's going to ring in ten minutes if you want to head out early."

Nako nodded, grabbing her backpack, "let's go then, better earlier than late."

"Oh and-"

The two paused as they said the same thing at the same time.

"You can go first-"

"No no, you can, it's fine."

Nako was about to reply back before she sighed, "I heard from Minju-unnie that someone our grade transferred here!"

Hitomi glanced at the girl in surprise, "oh, really? I hope she's nice."

Nako giggled, "Minju said she is, you know her and her ability to see people's purity and aura."

Hitomi chuckled, "ah yeah, her 'purity meter', she's an angel for a reason."

"What were you going to say though?"

"Oh I heard that a new Japanese student transferred here as well, she's the headmaster's daughter."

"Oooo, what year?"

Hitomi pouted, "fourth, but hopefully we can still meet her! There's not a lot of other Japanese students around..."

The two girls walked out their room, chatting lightly as they walked down the hall.

"Oh, sorry!"

Hitomi apologized to the tall girl before her lips turned to a grin, "hey Chaeyeon-unnie!"

The red-haired girl stopped and smiled at the two younger girls, "ah hey Hitomi, Nako."

The Japanese girls noticed another girl lingering a little bit away from Chaeyeon, the ash-purple haired girl seeming to not know what to do.

Chaeyeon called the girl over, "Kkura-chan! Come here, these are my friends. They're from Japan too!"

'Kkura-chan?' The two younger girls glanced over to the girl that walked up to them, both of them wondering if this was the headmaster's daughter.

The unknown girl gave them both a small smile, "hello, I'm Sakura."

Nako grinned, "hi! I'm Nako."

Hitomi gave a smile and a nod, "and I'm Hitomi, nice to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

Chaeyeon gestured to Sakura with one of her wings, "she's the headmaster's daughter."

Sakura slightly blushed, "dah that doesn't really mean much... You guys don't have to treat me differently or anything, I'm just a normal student here."

The two girls already liked the older, taller girl, and their new-found adoration could be seen in their eyes.

"Hii-chan, you're going to make me have stars in my eyes for Sakura as well."

"Huh? Oh- sorry."

Sakura tilted her head as Hitomi shyly scratched her neck, "what do you mean?"

"Oh well, my ability makes people around me feel what I'm feeling... You just seem so cool~"

"Ah," Sakura chuckled, "thanks Hitomi, you do too."

"Did you not feel anything?"

Sakura glanced at Chaeyeon, "no, is everyone supposed to feel it?"

Hitomi nodded, "for the most part, yeah."

Sakura nervously looked away, trying to make up an excuse, "ah well, I did feel a little bit of excitement?"

Hitomi's abilities must only affect real humans, which worried Sakura since she would have to act as if she felt something.

Ding Dong Ding Dong...

"That's the bell, you know where your class is, right Kkura-chan?"

Sakura startled out of her thoughts and smiled at Chaeyeon, "yeah, I know my way around, thanks though. And it was nice meeting you, Hitomi and Nako!"

The group of four headed their separate ways, quickly going to their first classes...

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