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"Jihan, when are you going?"












The teacher kept calling on the names of the talent show's contestants, the students in turn saying when they were going.

Yuri clutched her guitar case, a sudden wave of nervousness washing over her. The talent show started at eight pm... Thirty minutes from now, and they were all behind the stage for their call-time.

The girl next to her saw Yuri's nervousness and nudged the hamster, smiling at her.

"Hey, Yuri-unnie, you'll do great."

The older girl smiled at her choir classmate, "thanks Jihan, you too."


Yuri fished out her phone as the group dispersed to practice one last time, seeing that her roommate texted her.

Yuri fished out her phone as the group dispersed to practice one last time, seeing that her roommate texted her

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Yuri giggled as she put her phone away, taking out her guitar and starting to tune it as the teacher went out to the front to welcome everyone in the theater's audience

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Yuri giggled as she put her phone away, taking out her guitar and starting to tune it as the teacher went out to the front to welcome everyone in the theater's audience.

Did she have to go the extra mile to make her own song and melody for this talent show?

Nope, but she sure as hell wanted to.

And she might have had another reason for her song as well...




"Next up is~ Yuri from year two!"

Chaewon and Yena dropped their jaws as the teacher called out the sixth person, their eyes immediately going to Minju.


"You said she was sick!"

"Hush, I know I did. Surprise~"

The duck and radish glanced back to see the hamster walking up to the middle of the stage where a mic stand was, her guitar slung over her shoulder.

She plugged in her guitar and fixed the mic to where it'd be comfortable for her.

"Hello~ I'm Yuri."

The three friends that were watching their young friend were all mentally uwu-ing inside from Yuri's soft introduction, especially the duck.

"I'll be performing a song I made for this talent show..."

Yena's eyes perked up as she heard what the girl on stage said, muttering to Chaewon, "she makes songs too?"

"Yeah, I can't wait, I haven't heard her do this in so long."

Minju softly chuckled at the two, all of them quieting down as Yuri began to strum the strings of her guitar, vocalizing as the melody came together.

"You make me... Much better when you're here. I'm lucky... When I'm in your atmosphere."

The three of them stared in awe, amazed by her husky vocals that matched the melody perfectly.

"Every little move you do, every little thing you say~ It saves me, from falling, much deeper... I lay down my head on your shoulder and think, 'if I could always be like this'... I breathe in your scent and I don't dare to blink, if we could always be like this..."

Yuri took a deep breath, glancing over to grin at her friends and sister, "just listen here we are again, through the fire through the rain. The roads we crossed they built the story of us~ Here we are again, and I still feel the same~ You and I we write the story of us..."

She closed her eyes, delving deep into her song, "sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die, write the story of us... Sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die, write the story of us..."

Her fingers seemed to move on their own, and everything but her and her guitar seemed to disappear for her.

"Don't fail me~ That's my biggest fear. Keep sailing~ On waves of love my dear~ Nobody can make me feel~ Anything like you so real. You save me, from falling, much deeper...

"I lay down my head on your shoulder and think, 'if I could always be like this'... I breathe in your scent and I don't dare to blink, if we could always be like... this.

"Just listen here we are again, through the fire through the rain. The roads we crossed they built the story of us~ Here we are again, and I still feel the same~ You and I we write the story of us...

"Sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die, write the story of us... Sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die, write the story of us..."

Yuri opened her eyes again, meeting a particular blonde girl's eyes, "hold... me... Don't let go~ We've been scarred, broken hearts, but that made us much stronger... You and I~!"

"Sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die, write the story of us... Sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die, write the story of us... Just listen here we are again, through the fire through the rain. The roads we crossed they built the story of us~ Here we are again, and I still feel the same~ You and I we write the story of us..."

The girl smiled at Yena, ending out her song with softer vocals and strumming, "sway with me like a firefly, stay with me 'til the day I die... Write the story of us..."

Yena gazed at Yuri, trying to see what the girl was feeling as she thanked the audience.



And a little bit of... love...

Yuri smiled one last time their way before quickly going backstage, letting the teacher call out to the next person. Yena felt her chest, feeling her heart beat quickly.

'Was that song... for me?'

It had to be... right? The way Yuri was staring at Yena for most of the song, the way her emotions showed love whenever she did...

"That was good, wasn't it?"

The duck snapped back to reality as she stared at Minju, "you heard it before?"

"Well... She let me hear the melody a few days ago, this is the first time I heard the lyrics though."

The two girls glanced over to Chaewon, seeing her smile proudly, even though Yuri was gone from the stage.


Minju chuckled, playfully pushing Chaewon's shoulder, "proud of your sis?"

Chaewon glanced at Minju and Yena, nodding with a grin, "of course... I missed her doing these things..."

"Did she stop because..."

She nodded at Minju, "because of what happened last year."

Yena smiled, "well, it seems her coming here helped her a lot... Hopefully you'll hear it again."

Chaewon returned Yena's expression, "yeah..."

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