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A tall girl brought her pillow down onto another tall girl's face, causing the latter to spring up in surprise.

"Who- what- when- oh... Ah Wonyoung-ah why'd you do thattt."

The brown-haired, puppy-looking girl, Yujin, pouted at the raven-haired bunny, Wonyoung, who just looked away and rolled her eyes.

"Don't even think about using your ability on me unnie."

"Are you threatening me?"

Wonyoung gave her best puppy eyes and a few blinks, "no~?"

Yujin sighed, ruffling her hair back as she stood up, "anyways, why'd you wake me up? It's seven in the morning."

"And it's also the first day of high school."


Wonyoung winced at the loud scream, "yeah, get ready unnie, you have thirty minutes."

Yujin whined, "why didn't you wake me up earlierrrrr."

"I tried, you sleep like a dog."

"Because I am a dog."

"Yeah, be a good puppy and get ready."

Yujin sighed, turning around to go to the bathroom with her student uniform in hand.

But then she suddenly turned around, giving Wonyoung her adorable puppy eyes before the girl could look away.

"Wonnie, can you get me some breakfast while I get ready?"

Everything seemed to disappear for Wonyoung, and she dreamily smiled at Yujin.

"Sure thing unnie~"

Yujin snickered as the girl walked out of their room, "thanks Wonyo~"

Yujin was more puppy than any dog will be, her eyes making practically everyone fall into her charm if she wanted them to. Just give someone a small look and pout, and she has the human under her control.

Just like she did to the younger girl just now. With her puppy eyes, Wonyoung became oblivious to everything else around her but Yujin, and obeyed to what Yujin wanted.

The younger girl skipped down the hall, quickly going to the cafeteria so her friend could eat breakfast before school started. She didn't notice a couple girls watching her from a table, unable to hear what they said since they were far away.

"Oop, Wonyoung must have fallen to Yujin's ability again."

Sakura glanced at Chaeyeon, "who?"

Chaeyeon pointed at Wonyoung, who was asking one of the workers for breakfast.

"That's Wonyoung, a first year here. I knew her for a couple years because our parents know each other. Same for Yujin, I think she's Wonyoung's roommate now..."

"What's Yujin's ability?"

Chaeyeon chuckled, "literal puppy eyes, if you look at her, she can make you fall for her charm."


"Don't worry though, Yujin-ee wouldn't hurt anyone with her ability, she just uses it to play around, especially with Wonyoung."

"How do you know she got affected by it?"

"Wonyo doesn't usually act all happy-go-lucky in the morning, and if you look closely, whenever Yujin uses her ability, the other person's eyes glaze over."

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