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"Let's go, Yuri-yah."

"Coming unnie~"

Yuri jogged to the front door where her older sister was waiting, quickly putting on her shoes while slightly hopping as Chaewon called out to their parents.

"We'll be back in an hour, eomma, appa!"

"Be safe girls."

The sisters walked out to the chilly outdoors, their warm breaths puffing out small clouds of cold air as they walked.

They walked down the street, finding that the cafe they used to go to all the time was open.

"There's not that many people which is good, let's go."

The two went inside, grinning as the smell of freshly baked bread and coffee welcomed them.


The girls smiled at the cashier before walking along the small aisles, each picking out a different bread before waiting in the short line.

"Chaewon-unnie look, they still have your favorite drink!"

Chaewon chuckled as she glanced up to where Yuri was pointing, "yeah they do, they still have yours too!"

The siblings paid for their order, waiting to the side as their drinks were made. As they sat down to eat and chat, only cheerful thoughts surrounded both of them, the two high school students reminiscing about the good times they had here.

It felt nice to hang out with Chaewon again, Yuri thought to herself as they went out after finishing their food. It's not that she minded that their friends were always with them, but she felt as if she hadn't had a good sister-hangout ever since they transferred to ENOZI.

But of course...

Someone had to ruin the hamster's good mood.

"Look who's back in town..."

The two girls froze as they heard a familiar voice behind them, dread slowly beginning to fill the younger girl as they glanced at the voice's owner.

"It's Shreaker."

There stood a group of girls, the voice being from the tallest girl, who was in Chaewon and Yuri's choir class the previous year.

The one who also used to be Chaewon's friend.

Chaewon sighed, "what do you want, Chaeyoung."

The said Chaeyoung slightly pouted, "no more 'unnie'?"

"I said, what do you want."

"Oh well, we were just walking around when we happened to spot a certain mutant."

Yuri flinched from the name as Chaewon tensed, "don't call my sister that."

"Well, isn't it true, Yuri?"

The hamster bowed her head, clenching her fists at her sides in silence.

"Look at her cowering like that. She probably doesn't want to risk breaking anything by talking."

Chaeyoung giggled, "I'm surprised the nearby windows didn't break from her laugh earlier."

As the older girl walked closer, Chaewon blocked Yuri from her ex-friend, glaring up at the tall girl.

"Just leave her, Chaewon-ah, isn't she so annoying? I feel so bad for you, you always have to stick around her."

Yuri couldn't take anymore of the thorny words. She tried to stay strong, but her tears spilled over. She turned on her heel, sprinting away from the group.

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