CHAPTER 44 :: P1

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Knock Knock...

"Apologies in advance if my sister roasts you."


"Oh uh- sorry I mean- ... So, roasting in slang means to mock or criticize someone in a funny, light-hearted manner. Chaeryeong does that a lot once you get to know her, but it's all in good fun, it's her way of saying she's comfortable around you."

"Ah... I see."

Chaeyeon chuckled, "she might ease it with you but you'll see with me."

Before Sakura could reply, the apartment door opened, revealing a brown-haired girl in some shorts and a hoodie, her features almost identical to that of Chaeyeon's.

The girl stared at Chaeyeon, "welcome home unnie."

She then glanced over to Sakura, giving a small bow as she spoke with a soft voice, "hello, I'm Lee Chaeryeong, Chaeyeon-unnie's younger and better sister."


Chaeryeong gave a smile as she straightened herself up, "you must be Sakura-ssi?"

The said girl chuckled, "yes I am. Nice to meet you Chaeryeong, and no need to be so formal."

The younger girl smiled again, moving aside as she held the door, "come in."

"Chaer, why are you wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer?"

"The apartment got cold as soon as you arrived."

Chaeryeong then mockingly shivered, "I wonder why."

Chaeyeon drooped her eyes in annoyance, "uhuh..."

The winged girl took off the backpack she was wearing as her sister closed the door, revealing her blue wings. The backpack in fact, wasn't a real one, it was a plastic covering made to look like one to hide the red-head's wings as they commuted to the apartment.

Chaeyeon groaned, flexing out her wings that were free from the cramped space she had to shove them in, "ugh finally, freedom."

Sakura glanced over to Chaeryeong, who acted as if the wings were no big deal, "do you have a quirk?"

"A quirk? No, that's why I don't go to ENOZI, only unnie and our mom have one. And also our aunt, you might know her?"

The Japanese girl nodded, "yeah I do, Lee-seonsaengnim?"

The youngest hummed in response, "yup, her. Jieun-imo alongside our mom and Chaeyeon-unnie are the only ones with wings, although our mom's is easier to hide."

"She's ENOZI's new headmaster, Chaer."

"Wait jinjja?" (really?)

"Yeah, something happened a few months ago so she became the new head of the school."

"Oh wow... What happened?"

Chaeyeon glanced over to Sakura, who shrugged to show that she didn't mind her sister knowing everything.

"Well... First off, you gotta promise not to freak out or anything okay?"

"Chaeyeon-unnie, the only thing that freaks me out is your face in the morning."

Sakura held in a laugh that bubbled within her as Chaeyeon glared, "that's a lie. Anyways... Kkura-chan?"

The cherry-blossom named girl weakly chuckled as the youngest of the three glanced over to her.

"Um... I'm a vampire."

"Oh? That's your quirk?"

Sakura shook her head, "I was bitten... A really really long time ago."

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