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"Yes Chaeyeon?"

Sakura glanced over from the book she was reading, seeing the younger girl twidle her thumbs as she sat on her bed.

"Even after you graduate... Will you be staying here at ENOZI?"

The sudden question caught the Japanese girl off guard, "I- uh..."

Sakura sighed, "where else would I go? I don't have a place in the world except at ENOZI..."

"What about during the summer? Lee-ssaem and all the other staff members all go home for the summer as well..."

'That's true...'

The purple-haired girl shrugged, "I guess I'll stay here still..."

"All alone?"

"Like I said, where else would I go?"

"You can uh... come with me... If you'd like, that is."

Sakura looked up, gazing into the Korean girl's eyes, "..."

After she healed Chaeyeon that day... It's as if the taste of her blood made them closer. It wasn't... too weird? But it was as if her tasting the younger girl's blood strengthened their bond in ways normal actions and words couldn't.

She often wondered if Chaeyeon felt the same way...

"What about your family?"

"Ah, I only live with my younger sister. Our parents live elsewhere since our youngest sister's sick..."

"Oh... I see..."

"Yeah, and my sister wouldn't mind the extra company! She knows about you- or well- not the vampire part but- that you exist."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "are you sure? I don't want to intrude..."

"Kkura-chan, I don't want you to be by yourself for three whole months..."

The older girl hesitated before chuckling softly, putting away her book, "if it's really okay with both of you..."

Chaeyeon smiled, grabbing her phone off her desk, "I'll tell her right now."

"Thanks... Chaeyeon-ah."

"Anything for my girlfriend~"



Yena and Yujin jumped up and down, being the loudest to congratulate their three oldest friends as the group remet after graduation.

Yuri and Wonyoung both twisted the duck and the dog's ears, the latter two whining for them to let go.

"Thanks guys~"


The girls all turned around, seeing one of the security guards at the front gate walk up to them.

"Hey samchun."

The man flinched, staring at the blonde girl with slight annoyance, "I'm not that old Hyewon. Anyways, good job! Surprised you made it this far."

Hyewon glared up at him, "I'm not stupid."

He laughed, resting a hand on the girl's shoulder, "I'm kidding, I know you're smart Hyewon, I knew you could do it."

"How are you even here? I never saw you anywhere but at that gate unless you were looking for me because I got in trouble."

"I asked if I could take my break early to catch you and your friends graduate. I have to go back soon though."

Hyewon smiled, startling the man by quickly enveloping him in a hug.

"Thank you... For being with me all these years."

The guard chuckled, wrapping his arm around the girl as he patted her head, "take care out there... I better not see you with cuts and bruises all over your body again."

As they pulled away, he ruffled her hair, "you always have a home in me okay?"

Hyewon grinned, nodding as she stared at the man she looked up to for her three years at ENOZI...

"Well, I have to go back now. Congratulations, all three of you."

As the guard left to go back to his post, Eunbi turned to Hyewon, "you better not eat all the food in one day."

The younger girl scoffed, "I'd never let you starve."

"Wait, are you two staying together?"

The couple turned to their other friends, Hyewon nodding at them, "yeah, I can't go home so I've been staying over with Eunbi every break. We've been planning on living together after leaving ENOZI for a couple months now."

"Yup, the colleges we got into are nearby each other as well, so that makes things easier too."

"What about you Kkura-chan? Thinking about visiting Japan?"

Sakura glanced from Hitomi to Chaeyeon, giving the red-head a smile, "Japan seems fun but... For now I'm staying with Chaeyeon and her sister."

Yuri gasped, "you're staying with Chaeryeong-unnie???"

"You know my sister? She doesn't even go to ENOZI."

"Ah yeah, a couple years ago I met her online! After getting to know her a bit she sent me a picture of her and well, once I met you Chaeyeon-unnie, I had to ask because you two look so similar."

"Huh... How come you never told me?"

Yuri weakly laughed as she scratched her neck, "it... slipped my mind... But!"

She smiled at the older girl, "can I meet her one day? Please~"

Chaeyeon was about to answer when she saw Yena scowl next to the hamster, the duck looking away with a massive amount of jealousy written on her face.

The winged girl laughed, "Yena chill, my sister has her eyes on someone from her school, no need to get jealous."

Yuri glanced over, giggling as she side-hugged the duck, "awee, is my ducky mad?"

Yena flustered up, grumbling as she avoided Yuri's eyes, "I'm fine with you meeting up with Chaeyeon's sister as long as Chaeyeon's fine with it."

"Good, 'cause I'd never~ choose anyone over you."

Many of their other friends cringed from the sidelines as Yuri gave the older girl a kiss on the cheek, the hamster's older sister groaning as she hid her face in Minju's shoulder.

Chaewon muttered under her breath, "save me now..."

Minju chuckled, rubbing the older girl's head.

Chaeyeon chuckled, "yeah sure Yuri-yah, I'm sure Chaer would like to meet you too."

The group conversed as they walked away from where the graduation ceremony was held, exchanging summer plans and what to eat for tonight as they headed back to their dorms...

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