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[M] - Lots of blood and violence for the next few chapters, please proceed with caution if you're really sensitive 💛

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"You guys would like to hang out outside again?"

The twelve girls nodded at Miss Lee, who gazed at each of them before shrugging.

"You all are fairly responsible, and nothing has happened outside so... You may leave, but remember to come back before curfew girls."

"We will~"

The group of students all bowed in respect and thanks at the headmaster, the woman in turn smiling at them.

Yujin was the first to go to the office door, pushing it only to have it not move.

"You have to pull, you dummy."

The puppy stuck her tongue out at Wonyoung before pulling on the knob, "huh? It won't open."

A shiver passed through Miss Lee's lilac wings as Chaeyeon's baby blue ones twitched, the two winged females glancing at each other.

"Something's wrong."

Everyone turned to look at Yena and Minju, who called out at the same time.

"Yeah I can feel it too..."

Miss Lee nodded at Chaeyeon, "I do as well..."

Yujin tried the door again, only to yelp and jump away.

"Unnie what's wrong?"

Wonyoung glanced at the door, seeing that it was perfectly fine.

"I-I don't know what happened, something just passed through my hand when I was holding the doorknob."

"That's to make sure no one can come in... Or get out."

All the ones in the office stiffened from the echoing voice, frantically turning their heads to see where it was coming from.

Miss Lee stood up, glaring around the room, "as the headmaster of this school, I request that you show yourself."

"To be honest... I liked the old headmaster better, however stuck-up and disrespectful he could be at times..."


Chaeyeon yelled out as the said woman was forcefully brought back down onto her chair, leather shackles magically appearing and tying both her wrists and ankles together.

As she was trying to lift off, she let out a wince, another strap tightly binding her wings to her back, making her fall back onto the chair.

Nako and Yujin banged on the office door, yelling out for someone to help them when a force pushed them back to their friends in the middle of the room.

"Screaming won't do anything... That barrier I placed makes it so no one can hear us... We should have a little fun alone should we not?"

"Who are you!"

The deep voice chuckled, ignoring Eunbi's yell, "all but one of you girls was supposed to die that day... The old headmaster should have known not to put his whole trust in one weak vampire..."

Sakura flinched, "y-you... You were the one with him!"

"You're the one that kidnapped all of us!"

"Indeed I am..."

The girls flinched as a man formed from thin air in front of them, floating above Miss Lee's desk with a wicked grin.

"And I've come to finish the job... Steal all your powers and kill you all, the girl vampire included since I have no need for an... assistant."

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