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"Hey... Hey, Hitomi, calm down, we're going to be okay, okay?"

The duck rubbed soothing circles on Hitomi's back, cooing to her so the girl would ease up, trying not to let the younger girl's emotions ruffle her (nonexistent) feathers which was practically impossible for Yena if Hitomi's emotions were too strong and they were next to each other.

"You have to calm down. Hey, think about all the things you can do with Nako and the rest of us when we make it out? Yeah that's it, take deep breaths..."

"T-thank Yena-unnie..."

Yena smiled, squeezing Hitomi's shoulder, "we got this okay?"

The younger girl nodded, "sorry, I'm making the others scared too."

The duck shook her head, "it's fine, don't worry about it."

Hitomi glanced around, trying to think of something that gave her strength which... sort of helped her friends.

The newfound confidence flowed through everyone's veins except for Sakura's and the headmaster's, making Nako unshackle their friend faster, making Chaewon and Hyewon work on bending the metal bars quicker.

Nako held Sakura steady as she got the last of the shackles off, the older girl breathing heavily as her arms dropped to her sides, sore from being held up in the air for so long.

"Kkura-chan, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... Yeah... I'm fine."

All twelve girls startled as the headmaster slowly clapped, nervousness filling them as he smiled.

"What a splendid show of powers some of you put up... Absolutely wonderful."

They stared at him in confusion while he gazed deep into Sakura's eyes, "although that will end now."

The Japanese girl gasped, feeling herself being forcefully changed into her vampiric state, her friends all taking a step back in shock as she glanced back up, eyes golden with sharp fangs protruding from her mouth.


"Look at what a monster your 'friend' turned out to be..."

Chaeyeon stared at the girl in surprise, remembering that weird nightmare she had months ago, "that... wasn't a dream..."

The headmaster bellowed out to the changing girl, "destroy your humanity, abandon the weak part of you!"

Sakura clutched her head as she staggered in her spot, trying to fight the change, "s-stop... it... P-please..."

The girls all tensed as their friend let out a scream of pain, wanting to help but unable to as the man appeared right behind her, holding her shoulder.

"Sakura dear, look at all these fresh bodies right in front of you..."

He leaned in closer, muttering softly into her ear, "they're all~ yours..."

The headmaster smiled and backed away as Sakura slowly let go of her hair, dropping her hands to her sides as she breathed slowly.


The younger girls in the room yelped in surprise as Sakura jerked her head up, growling as her eyes went completely blood-red.

Chaeyeon was the closest to the girl, so she pleaded, hoping to regain Sakura's consciousness.

"Sakura, it's me... Lee Chaeyeon."

The vampire whipped her eyes towards the new voice, nothing going through her head as she pounced at the red-haired girl.

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