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"𝔄re you sure that's him?" Dean watched Jack Montgomery through binoculars. They were parked outside his middle-class home. It had already been over an hour, and there was nothing offputting about the guy.

"Only Jack Montgomery in town."

"What are we looking out for?" Nadia was leaning on the front seat.

"Travis said to keep an eye out for anything weird."

Dean pulled his binoculars down, "weird?"


Dean puts the binoculars to his eyes again. Jack was in the kitchen, having a beer.

"Alright, well, yeah, I've seen big weird, little weird, weird with crazy on top. But this guy? I mean, come on, this guy's boring."

After all that had happened, Dean didn't have the patience for a stakeout.

"I don't know, Dean," shrugged Sam. "Travis seemed pretty sure." He watched through his own binoculars.

Nadia lays her hands down, waiting for something to happen. Or one of the brothers to call it quits. She assumed Dean.

The car grew quiet and then a little too quiet.

Nadia lifted her head; the boys were shocked.

"What?! What's he doing?"

Speechless, Dean gives her the binoculars. Nadia hesitantly put them to her eyes and gasped.

Jack was devouring raw red meat like a savage.

"Oh no, Jack," she cringed and even felt nauseous. "Here," she gives the binoculars back to Dean.

Sam drops his from his face. "I'd say that qualifies as weird."

Now that the case had presented itself, they returned to the motel to regroup and found Travis in the boys' room, drinking a beer.

The brothers smile.

"Travis!" boomed Dean. "See, Sam. Told you we should have hid the beer."

"Smartass. Get over here!" Travis hugs him. "Ah, good to see you."

Travis had been a hunter for thirty years. He'd known the boys since Sam was a teenager. He looked like any other aging old-school hunter with his rugged style, broken arm, and receding gray hair.

"You too," Dean returned the sentiment as Travis embraced Sam.

"Good to see you."

"You too, Travis."

Travis laughs, looking him up and down. "Man, you got tall, kid. How long has it been?"

"Ah, gotta be ten years."

Travis sighed, amazed at how fast time went by.

"You still uh - oh, what is it a mathlete?"

Sam laughs, "no, no."

"Yep, sure is." Teased Dean, patting him on the back.

"Been too long, boys. I mean, look at you. Grown men. John would have been damn proud of you. Sticking together like this."

"Yeah. Yeah, we're as thick as thieves," snarked Dean. "Nothing more important than family."

Sam's smile disappears; he grimaces at his brother's evident sarcasm.

"Hi," Nadia greets Travis with a handshake. "It's nice to meet you. The boys have told me a lot about you."

"And who is this beauty?" he kissed her hand.

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now