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"So, what's the plan?" Nadia put on her seatbelt, having teleported into the passenger's seat of Bobby's car

"Well, if they actually are under the spell. All we gotta do is stab the siren with a bronze knife covered in one of the boys' blood."

"That is if the siren's even around. Doesn't the thing disappear after making the vic commit murder?"

"Let's try to think positively. Hopefully, the boys aren't already tearin' each other apart."

"Right, sorry." Nadia takes a deep breath. She stares out the window into the darkness.

Bobby glances at her. "What's goin' on with you and Dean?"

"Short version?" I figured out something about Sam. He doesn't know I know. I tend to find out a lot of things now that I'm an angel and all. Anyway, what I know about him? He promised Dean he wouldn't do it. Dean found out yesterday, realized I knew and he's pissed that I didn't tell him."

"Those boys," Bobby rolled his eyes.

"They're something, aren't they?" Nadia chuckles, shaking her head.

"Lord knows I love them like they came from my own loins, but don't let them put you in between their mess. I admit, sometimes you gotta get in between and knock some sense into them. But sometimes, it's best to let them figure it out on their own.

"Yeah, I'm sure Dean will take that very well."

"He'll get over it. He can't use you to snitch on his brother and he shouldn't want to put you in that position. You gotta be careful what you tell either of those boys, especially when their minds aren't in the right place. Winchesters tend to shoot first and ask questions later."

"Yeah, I've noticed that," Nadia mutters, looking back out the window.

"Yeah, I've noticed that," Nadia mutters, looking back out the window

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Mission: Track down Cara Roberts was in effect. Dean had Nick follow the doctor. Even after her time with Sam, she was still looking for some fun.

Cara took a taxi to a pub. With her hands in her black trench coat, she'd gone inside oblivious to Nick watching her from his car.

Having just arrived, Dean leaves the Impala and slides into the passenger seat.

"She went in just a second ago."

"Nice work," Dean glanced out the window at the bar.

"Should we follow her in?"

"No, no, no, I don't wanna tip her off. Let's just wait and see who she comes out with."

Nick sighs, "So you think . . . what? She's drugging these guys?"

"Pretty much," Dean nodded, confident.

"Uh-huh," Nick scoffed. He didn't believe him.

"I know how it sounds."

"You sure about that? 'Cause it sounds like crazy on toast. All these different strippers, they're magically the same girl? But then they're not strippers at all, it's Dr. Quinn."

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now