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"Now, Vanessa, I'm always happy to watch Nadia. She's such an angel," Ms. Furches explained over the phone. "But you dropped her off two days ago, and she's been worried sick. Said something about a woman she'd never met at your house. The more I think about it, the more worried I'm becoming. Is everything all right?"

"Everything is just fine, Ms. Furches. A work friend of mine showed up needing some help," Vanessa lies, casually pacing back and forth in the kitchen. She grips the bridge of her nose. "Everything's fine now. There's nothing to worry about. I'll be there to pick Nadia up in about an hour, okay?"

"If you need her to stay longer, it's no problem -"

"No, no, no, you've done so much already. Thank you, Ms. Furches. I'll see you soon. Okay, bye."

Vanessa hangs up, setting the phone on the table. Briefly eyeing the half bottle of whiskey on the dining room table, she joins Nadia in the living room. She was sitting on the couch, visibly worried.

Vanessa sits beside her, putting a pillow on her lap. "Come here."

Nadia laid her head on the pillow, closing her eyes as her mother rubbed her head.

Suddenly, she felt like a little girl. Tears welled as she realized this would be the last time she'd feel Vanessa's touch again. Before she could contain herself, she began to cry.

"I know," tears run down Vanessa's cheek. She kisses her temple. "I know, honey. Let it out."

"How are you - h-how -"

"Take your time."

"How can you just walk right into your death after this?"

"Because your present matters. It may not feel like it, but you are right where you need to be. Your little brother needs you. They all need you."

"I need you."

"It seems like you've done just fine without me."

"You know what I mean!"

"I know, I know," Vanessa kisses her again.

Nadia sits up, wiping her tears and sniffling. "He won't do it, Mom."

"Who, Dean?"

"Yes! What you're asking him to do . . . it's too big."

"I thought you said he's willing to lay his life down to save the world."

"Yeah, exactly. Dean is willing to bite the bullet, especially to save someone else, but this isn't dying. He'd been trapped in his own body while Michael and Lucifer hash it out. What happens after? Does Dean get his body back? What will the state of the world be?"

"I - Nadia -"

"Oh, right, I forgot," she gets up, crossing her arms over her chest. "This is about some sibling rivalry. Not saving the world."

"I won't lie to you. Humanity will perish. There will be pain and loss, but you know what? Humans are resilient. Trust me, I know. I've seen it. I've watched humanity rise from the darkest of times, and they come back stronger than ever."

"Maybe . . . but what about Dean? Mom, he's been through so much. Doesn't he deserve a chance at happiness? And I'm not talking about our relationship. I mean in general."

"I know what you mean, and I wish I could give you some hope, but . . . I think we both know that sometimes, more than most of the time, the reality is often . . . . disappointing."

"Yeah," Nadia said sadly.

"What do you plan to do? Are you gonna tell Dean -"

"Tell him what? That he's been called to be some angel's meat suit? No. He's going through enough right now, trying to heal from Hell. And if he finds out that he was right about God and the angels, he'll want nothing to do with them . . . maybe nothing to do with me."

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now