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Despite having called it, Nadia didn't know how to feel about Anna being an angel, let alone her guardian angel. Not only did she have questions but she shared a bit of uneasiness with everyone else. 

So far, they didn't have a good rap sheet with angels. For all they knew, Anna was worse than the others and that's why they were after her.

Anna calmly paced Bobby's study. Ruby was behind her in the entryway while Sam sat on the desk beside a leaning Pamela and Nadia. Dean was next to the half-angel, sitting on the arm of a chair with his foot in the seat.

 Dean was next to the half-angel, sitting on the arm of a chair with his foot in the seat

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 "Neither do I," Pamela agrees

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 "Neither do I," Pamela agrees.

Nadia couldn't stop sizing her up. Now that Anna knew who she was; she was more angelic-like. She possessed Uriel and Castiel's seriousness and her voice was more monotone. She was calmer too.

Anna sighs, turning to them. "So. . .Castiel, Uriel, they're the ones that came for me?"

"You know them?" Sam asked.

"We were kind of in the same foxhole."

Sam's eyebrows furrowed; he didn't understand.

"So, what, were they like your bosses or something?" Dean asked.

Anna smirks, "try the other way around."

Dean nods, impressed, "look at you."

"But now they want to kill you?" questioned Pamela.

"Orders are orders," she shrugs with her hands in her back pocket. "I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head." 


Anna crossed her arms over her chest. "I disobeyed. . . which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do. I fell." She looks at Nadia. "Like Aniela. I mean, Vanessa, your mother."

Nadia straightens her posture, ignoring the boys' shock. "And that means?"

"They fell to earth, became human," Pamela answers.

"Wait a minute," Sam speaks up. "I don't understand. So, angels can just become human?"

"It kind of hurts," Anna explains. "Try cutting your kidney out with a butter knife. That kind of hurt. I ripped out my grace."

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now