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"ℌow old is Dean?" Nadia admired him from across the backyard. He sat with Ben and his friends, obnoxiously eating his second slice of a cake.

Since the game, the kids had taken to him. They loved his goofball personality, Ben especially. It was surprising since the twelve-year-old had given him such a hard time just a few hours ago.

"Twenty-nine," Sam sat beside her, sipping on some punch. "Hard to tell he'll be thirty in three months, huh?"

"Yeah, but not in a bad way. He's a kid at heart. It's cute."

"You'd think so."

"Sam!" she gives him the side-eye.

"I'm just saying. I see it."

Nadia sighs heavily, looking away.

"I've seen my brother with a lot of women. But the way he looks at you?" Sam shakes his head, a bit in disbelief. Not that Nadia would like a guy like his brother. But that, Dean, found a woman he took seriously.

"Why'd you friend zone him anyway?"

"How do you know it wasn't the other way around?"

Sam arches his eyebrows at her. "It's Dean we're talking about. The guy would still eat a pie if it was cursed."

Nadia laughs, "Yeah, well, Dean loves his pie." She locks eyes with the older Winchester, and they share a smile. "Sam, I hate to say it's complicated, but -"

"There is nothing complicated about my brother."

"There are a lot of things complicated about your brother. He's a Winchester. You guys' life story alone."

"Yeah, you're right," Sam had forgotten for a brief moment.

"Don't worry, my life is complicated too."

The two fell silent, Nadia thinking about her vision and Sam about the demon blood running through his veins.

"Hey," Jo approaches. "Can I steal Nadia for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure," Sam gets up, excusing himself.

Jo takes his seat. "Are we gonna talk because I have a bone to pick with you?"

"Me?" Nadia points to herself. "What did I do?"

"Last time I saw you, you broke up with Danny. Then you went AWOL. You haven't called or visited in months. Now you're running around with the Winchesters and off your meds."

Nadia didn't respond; she was too busy watching Irene stalk her from the patio.

"Are you listening to me?" Jo nudges her.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. When are you guys hitting the road?"

"Tomorrow mornin'."

"Good. Let's go to Dan's tonight. We can have some privacy."

Jo follows her eyes to Irene. "What's her problem? Does she know you're not on your meds?"

"If she does, it's not because I told her. Do I look unhinged?"

"More like you haven't slept in days," Jo pointed to the bags under her eyes.

"It's the withdrawal. Insomnia is a bitch. And the headaches? I can't even eat."

"Nadia," Jo was getting concerned. "Are you sure you know what you're doin'?"

"You'll understand everything when we talk tonight, I promise. And, I'm sorry. Last year was really hard for me, you know?"

Jo's countenance fell as she remembered all Nadia had gone through.

Life as a hunter was bleak all on its own, but 07' sent Nadia so many curveballs she still couldn't believe she lived to tell the tale. She was cheated on by her ex. Had a fallout with her father and was kidnapped and tortured by demons. For most of the year, she was depressed and ultimately self-isolated.

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now