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"I've watched this world evolve from the beginning of time." Vanessa comes into the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. She sets it down, joining Nadia at the table. "I've been given so many jobs. Protecting everyday people, world leaders, aiding in wars - I kept Harriet Tubman alive, you know?"

"No way," Nadia frowned.

"What? You thought it was pure luck that she never got caught?" Vanessa pours two glasses and slides one over. "Some of the greatest people had divine intervention whether they believed it or not. Evil ones too."

"So, if you could help Harriet Tubman, why not stop slavery altogether? Or I don't know the Holocaust?"

"Sometimes bad things have to happen for humanity to evolve. Some of the greatest world changers were born in times of darkness. Without them, there would be no inspirational stories of perseverance and zeal. Sometimes we had no choice but to watch humanity destroy itself."

"Hm," Nadia watched her mother down the glass of whiskey in one gulp. She'd never seen her drink - ever. 

"Anyway," Vanessa pours herself another glass. "Out of all the assignments I've been given, Dean Winchester was the one I looked forward to the most. I knew him before he was even conceived. I was there when his parents met."

"You were watching them before he was even born? Like watching a rom-com?"

"I wouldn't say that. John and Mary didn't exactly fall for each other in the most . . . organic way. There was a cherubim involved."

"What's a cherubim?" 

"Down here they call them cupids."

"Cupids are real!?"

"Very real. Mary and John were chosen to birth Dean and needed a little encouragement in their courtship." 

Shocked by the revelation, Nadia downed her glass and motioned for another. 

"I told you. Some things, most things have been written, prophesied; set in stone. The Winchester bloodline is sacred. It was my job to protect John and Mary. Get close to them. Help raise Dean and make him into the man we're going to need him to be. I gained his parents' trust and became more than their friend. I was family. I was there through Mary's pregnancy, when he was born, I babysat him; saw him take his first steps. It's why I had to split my time with your father. Even if I wasn't with them, I had to keep an eye on them."

"But then you got pregnant." 

"Yes," Vanessa smiled. "I was so excited to meet you."

"You were?"

"Well don't seem so surprised," she grips Nadia's hand. "Life is precious. I loved you the moment I found out. Making sure you had a life was all that mattered to me. So, I left my post. After I erased their memories so they wouldn't remember me." 

"That's why Dean has never mentioned you. Or would even know who you are if I'd shown him the picture."

"You didn't show him?"

"No, I wanted to hear your side first. Dean doesn't even know about Michael. I didn't want to tell him until I knew what was needed of him."

"Michael didn't tell you?" 

"No, I don't think he trusts me. Not like I trust him completely either. I also can't really decide what side I'm on. I want to save the world and if Dean is the person for the job, fine. But we are falling for each other - hard. What if our relationship makes him not want to do it? Dean is the type of man to sacrifice the world for people that he cares about."

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now