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Nadia flips on her back with a frustrated sigh, exhaustly rubbing her face. She reaches inside her t-shirt and pulls out her grace. She watched the pure energy swirl, wishing Vanessa was there to help her make the decision. 

Though Nadia valued her family's advice, her mother's views would have been more of a help. After all, she was an angel. She knew the ins and outs. 

So did Anna. Nadia thought about praying to the redhead but knew it wasn't safe.

Things were still too fresh.

Nadia sits up, turning on her nightstand lamp. In the corner of her room sat a crate with all of the things her mother left in the attic. She'd put off looking through it until after Thanksgiving but mindlessly founds herself getting out of bed. 

She stops in the middle of the room, hearing voices on the other side of the door. She closes her eyes, listening.

"You really don't have to go through all the trouble," said Dean.

"Don't be ridiculous," Irene told him. "I married a hunter and I helped raise one. Sleepless nights are normal around here.  Sit, sit, sit. I'll make you my special drink. It'll put you right out."

Nadia smiles; chamomile tea with milk was the special drink. As simple as it was, it did the trick for her plenty of times. She rarely acknowledged how well Irene took care of her. It was a fifty-fifty chance that a step-parent will love their step-child as their own.

Irene might have overdone the whole mother bit but she really did care. Nadia felt that if she maybe saw outside of her grief, she could have been more patient. She couldn't and would never solely blame, Irene, for why their relationship was estranged for as long as it was.

Being a motherless child often brought the worst out of her, growing up. Now that she was thinking about it, Irene suffered the bitter end of her grief the most.

Pushing her guilt to the side, Nadia sits on the floor and opens the crate. She takes out a stack of books first. There was history about the archangels, the effects of Lucifer's outcast, her mother's abilities, and her walk with humanity over the years. She taught people, healed, protected, guided, and acted as a line of communication between people and her Father.

There were so many things Vanessa could do. Manipulate the weather, mental projection, dream walk like Michael, self-duplicate, conjure energy blasts, and fire. She could even conceal her true self from other beings.

Then there were the things Nadia had already experienced like super senses, detecting unworldly beings, traveling in time - anger-induced magic. She also had an archangel blade which Nadia found holstered in the crate.

It was bronze with a short point and a ridged spiral. It was more powerful than an average angel blade and considered one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Although, it was only effective in the hand of an archangel against another or an archangel occupying a vessel.

Unlike an angel blade, it doesn't kill the host.

An angel blade can't kill an archangel either.

Nadia pulls the letters her father mentioned next. She expected them to be from her mother to her but that wasn't the case. 

Letter #1

I know you'd be upset if I reached out and rightfully so. I do not find joy in leaving you all behind. If you would just give me a chance, I'll explain everything. Maybe we can meet in person. I heard you have a daughter and you're married now. I'd love to meet her. After we reconnect of course. I'm not angry with you. If I was, I'd only be a hypocrite. I hope to hear from you soon.

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now