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475 28 4

Sirens wailed in the distance as Dean walked down an eerily dark alley, arriving at Beaker St. He briefly eyed a homeless walking past as he approached a metal-barred door. There was a neon sign that read: 426.

The Winchester wasn't expecting such a sketchy location. But he tried not to think too much of it. After all, he was only there to ask some questions.

Dean knocks, and the door gets swung open by a young guy. He eyes the Winchester skeptically. Dean returned the favor, trying to get a peek inside.

"I'm, uh, here to see Chief."

The guy's eyebrows raised in slight surprise. He opens the door with a shrug.

Dean follows him inside and down a set of stairs into a cold basement. There was graffiti on the walls and leaky pipes everywhere.

"Stay here. Don't touch anything." He tells Dean before returning upstairs.

Dean looked around; he could hear a muffled baseline. It sounded like a party was going on not too far away. A creaking door grabs his attention, and the music becomes audible.

A tall, heavy man walks in with a spotlight beaming behind him. He wore all leather and carried a flogger. He slaps it in his palm three times, his eyes full of lust as he smiles at Dean.

 He slaps it in his palm three times, his eyes full of lust as he smiles at Dean

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Dean blinks, stifling a chuckle as he realized he'd been played. "There's been a misunderstanding. I, uh, think I've been had."

"Oh, you ain't been had till you been had by the Chief."

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Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now