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𝔗he ten-hour drive back to Pontiac, Illinois, was smooth sailing and quiet. The mystery of Dean's resurrection had everyone in their minds hoping for the best but expecting the worse.

Especially after Nadia fainted.

Dean was sure that Sam had something to do with him being topside, but he was praying that wouldn't be the case deep down. He couldn't fathom what his little brother bargained to get him back.

Having already sold his soul for Sam and paid the consequences, he wouldn't wish the burden on anyone, his little brother especially.

Bobby felt the same way. Dean's death was too traumatic; he couldn't bear watching history repeat itself with Sam.

The moon was high, the road dark, and they were two hours out from Pontiac.

Dean rode shotgun, quietly stealing glances at a sleeping Nadia in the rearview mirror.

"Dean," Bobby catches him.

"Sorry," he fought a smile.

"It's all right. I get it. You've been gone for four months. Got yourself a new body, a new lease on life. You're probably ready to put your hands back in the cookie jar."

"The cookie jar? Really Bobby?" cringed Dean.

The Singer chuckles, "what? you a prude now?"

"Never that old man. I just . . . I'm not looking to put my hand in the cookie jar."

Bobby arches his eyebrows at him.

"I mean, I want to, but . . . it's just bad timing. Things are too fresh, and I respect her too much to bring her into my mess."

"I'm glad to hear that," nodded Bobby. "After what happened back at the house, I don't think she should be tryin' to put her hands in your -"

"Stop with the innuendos," Dean shakes his head. "I get it."


"What do you think that was back there anyway? And those pills she's taking?"

"I think what happened back there is somethin' that has been brewin' for a long time."

Bobby looked into the rearview mirror, ensuring she was asleep.

"It wasn't even a year after Vanessa her mother, passed away. Rufus called me one mornin' sayin' she was gone. Somebody had taken her in the middle of the night. She was only five. Rufus is one tough son of a bitch, but I've never seen him so shaken up."

"What'd you do?" Dean was sitting on the edge of his seat.

"We were gonna call the police, but I searched her room and found sulfur."


"Took us three days to track her down in some abandoned house down in Tennessee. We stormed that place, ready to kill first and ask questions later. But no one was there. Just Nadia calmly waiting in a closet with her knees tucked to her stomach."

"Was she okay?"

"Not a mark on her. Naturally, we wanted to find the SOBs that took her, but she couldn't tell us anything. She couldn't even remember bein' nabbed. Things went back to normal for maybe a week before she started talkin' this gibberish and goin' on about voices in her head. If she got mad or was upset, things would break, or the lights would flicker."

"Sounds like something supernatural."

"Yeah, well, we thought she was possessed but quickly realized that wasn't the case. We took her to everybody we knew, but no one had answers. Rufus was terrified. He's one of the best hunters in the game, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his own kid. He only knew one thing; whatever was happenin'. It was why she got taken in the first place."

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now