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𝔑adia was startled out of her sleep by a violent banging on her motel room door. She tiredly rubbed her eyes, looking at the time. It was the middle of the night; she and the boys had arrived in Haleyville, Kansas, merely hours ago.

The person kept knocking, so she got out of bed and checked if she was decent. She'd planned on taking a shower and fell asleep in her day clothes instead. Boots and all.

"I'm coming," she yawned.

It was Dean, and he did not look happy. He allowed himself in, looking around. "Have you seen Sam?"

"No. Has he gone off again?"

Dean grimaced, "I need you to come with me."

"What's wrong?" Nadia studied his face. He was scaring her. "Where are we going?"

"To find Sam."

"Well, where -"

"I'll explain in the car," Dean says curtly and walks out.

Sighing, Nadia grabs her jacket, quickly following after him.

It turned out that Castiel took Dean to the past before he was born. He met his parents and found out that his mother, Mary, was a hunter. Her parents were too. She made a deal with the yellow-eyed demon to save their father, John.

But she didn't know that the deal entailed for Sam to become one of the yellow-eyed demon's "children."

Years later, she found the demon in Sam's room, feeding him blood, and he killed her.

It was a lot for Nadia to take in. She'd been through some crazy things, but the Winchesters took the cake.

According to Castiel, Sam needed to be stopped. From doing what? They were about to find out thanks to the angel giving Dean the address to his brother's whereabouts.

Dean drove down the road like a criminal in a high-speed chase. He pulls into a secluded warehouse parking beside an unfamiliar car.

"I still don't get," Nadia said as they got out of the Impala.


"It's Sam," she kept up with his fast pace toward the building. "I haven't known him for that long, but he doesn't exactly come off as a threat. Castiel said he was dangerous. I don't mean to question his angelic wisdom or whatever but dangerous is a bit too far, don't you think? I mean. . . it's Sam. How -"

"Shh," Dean pulled her down in front of a window.

Sam was inside interrogating a man. He had him tied to a chair in a Devil's Trap.

There was a brunette with him. Not just any brunette, the brunette. Christie, at least that's what she said her name was.

Nadia's got that bad feeling in her gut. She knew something was off about that girl but couldn't put her finger on it. Even now, a disdain rose up in her; Dean noticed.

The man in the chair's eyes went black; he was a demon.

The menacing smile on his face let them know that he was doing the typical demon trash talk bit. They couldn't make out the specifics, but whatever he was saying pissed Sam off.

They talked back and forth for a moment.

The Christie girl stood there, listening. She seemed to enjoy it.

Christie aside, it all seemed innocent until Sam did the unfathomable. He holds out his hand and exorcises the demon with his mind.

Nadia gulped, hoping she didn't look as shocked as she was. She didn't dare look at Dean, but she could feel the anger radiating off him.

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now