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𝔒nce they found an empty, abandoned warehouse, it was game on. Bobby covered the walls with every ritual symbol he knew of while Dean and Nadia laid out all their weapons.

She pushed through her headache with a grimace, flicking on the safety of her Beretta.

Dean eyed the pistol; there was a charm on the mount that he hadn't noticed before.

"What's that?" he pulled an ax from the weapon crate.

"It's my mom's CNA pin," she held it in her palm.

"And the gun?"

"Gift from my dad for my sixteenth birthday." She recalled with a smile. "Irene was so against it."

"How come?"

"It was a no-brainer that I would be a hunter like my dad. Because of that, I was . . . a hunter's kid, you know? I guess she thought I should have had more feminine pursuits in the meantime."

"Ah," nodded Dean understandingly.

"Yeah, she married into the hunting life but only learned enough to keep herself safe. She prefers being a homemaker. She'd been married before and never had any kids. I think she thought we'd be besties. But I was more interested in monsters and guns than shopping and make-up."

Nadia thought back with a sigh. "She hated how my dad was raising me. Often thought he was too hard on me. Thank God Ben was born. He got her off my back for a while."

"How is your family?" Dean asked.

"They're good. I'll be visiting in a few weeks. Ben's turning twelve."

"Nice, what are you gonna get him?"

"He asks for the same thing every year. A knife; preferably rare and vintage. I've had it for months. I gotta find him a mock gift, though. Irene would lose her mind if she found out about his collection."

"Doesn't sound like she agrees with him growing up to be a hunter."

"I think it worries her like it would any mother. She really doesn't mind the life. I mean, my dad and I are just saving lives. I just think she wished there was more of a balance, like taking your shoes off before going into the house. There's a time and place. For her, home is neither."

"That's not so easy for hunters."

"Exactly. She doesn't get that it's not something we can just turn off."

Dean smiles proudly, "it's who were are."

"Yeah," she shares the same sentiment.

Nadia returns her attention to the weapons, leaving his eyes to linger over her. She was different than anybody he'd ever met before. She was the perfect balance of soft, sweet, delicate yet strong, outspoken, unapologetic, and always ready to kick ass when the time presented itself.

Dean follows her eyes to Bobby. "That's a hell of an art project you've got going there."

"Traps and talismans from every faith on the globe." Bobby joined them. "How you doin'?"

"Stakes, iron, silver, salt, knife-"

"Guns," Nadia held up her pistol.

"I mean, we're pretty much set to catch and kill anything I've ever heard of."

"This is still a bad idea," Bobby was still very much on the fence.

Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Bobby, we heard you the first ten times. What do you say we ring the dinner bell?"

Though reluctant, Bobby nods.

"Hey," Nadia puts a hand on his shoulder. She looks him deeply in the eyes, "we'll be fine. Okay?"

Fighter: Dean Winchester (REVAMPED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now