chapter 5

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"Have a nice chat?" Applejack said passive aggressively, staring daggers at her.

Dash looked at the other girls to see if they were paying attention but they were caught up in a conversation about Flash Sentry.

Rainbow bit her lip and turned back to face Applejack. She didn't mean anything she said. She knew how hard Applejack works on the farm to earn money and to have an education. When they were together, every moment they spent together, Dash would wonder what on earth she did to deserve her.

Pinkies energy is contagious, they've shared so many laughs together in the past and she planned every single one of Dash's parties which were always a hit.

Fluttershy was her childhood friend, Dash was always there for her no matter what and it pained Rainbow to just sit there and listen to the horrible things they were saying about her. Mentally beating herself up for not defending her like she promised she would when they were children.

And Rarity was so generous to her, she was always helping her with studying when she'd fail a test and offering her food at lunch when she forgot to bring her own.

She just didn't want to lose her athlete friends and was scared of what they'd say if she disagreed with them. She's lost people before... and it took a certain Twilight Sparkle to bring them back...

"AJ I didn't mean any of tha-"

"Shut it Dash, ah don't want to hear it." Applejack huffed, turning her head away from her and joining the conversation with her friends innocently.

"Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful..." Twilight said, hiding behind Pinkies chair as Flash passed the girls holding his coffee. Just before he left he looked back at Twilight and FlAshEd her a smile. (sorry bad joke)

"All right girls, the dance is tomorrow night and we still don't know how we're going to get Twilight the votes she needs to become Princess." Applejack stated, introducing the girls into the planning stage of their idea.

Rainbow took a seat next to Fluttershy on the couch and watched Applejack take charge as if nothing had happened.

"Right now, folks only know Twilight from that video Sunset posted. We need to help them see her differently. Any ideas?"

The girls were silent. 

"I have an idea!" Rainbow shouted, punching a fist in the air and making Fluttershy jump away a bit.

Applejack glared at her out of the corner of her eye.

"What's your idea Rainbo-" Twilight started to say but her sentence was cut short by Rarity who also had an idea.

"IVE GOT IT!" She exclaimed, jumping out of her seat on the couch. She realised her loud outburst and started to turn red.

"Let's hear it Rare." Applejack responded, smiling at her. Rarity started explaining her idea, but the only one not listening was Dash. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. 'They completely overlooked me.' She was mad. She heard bits and pieces of the plan but couldn't really be bothered to listen. It's not like Applejack would let her have any input anyway.

" spirit...blah blah."

"Well that sounds like a great idea Rarity!" AJ commended her.

"Thanks Applejack, but I know you had an idea too Rainbow, we should also hear yours, it may be better." Rarity said kindly, nodding her head at Dash.

"No no your idea is perfect Rarity, we'll go with that." AJ said slightly louder than before. Her eyes widened when she realised her volume changed.

"Okay, then it's decided!" Twilight said happily, clapping her hands together. "Let's do it tomorrow at lunch!"

Everyone nodded their heads in unison except for Dash. She just got her friends back but she felt more alone than ever, especially Applejack, 'Did I just lose her all over again?' Whatever. She repeated 'I don't care' in her mind like an affirmation trying to convince herself everything was fine, 'gotta act cool Dash'. 

"Mr Crankydoodle gave us a lot of homework today, if you guys want to come over to mine and do it together now i'm sure we'll get it done in no time." Fluttershy kindly offered to the girls.

"That sounds great actually, I would love to!" Rarity agreed. "Who else is in?"

"Ah'll come, ah don't understanding half of it anyways so y'all gotta help me." Applejack replied, laughing under her breath.

"I have nowhere else to be so sure!" Twilight said, turning to Pinkie next to her. "What about you Pinkie?"

"I'm always up for a study party!" she chirped in response.

All eyes turned to Rainbow as they waited for her confirmation. "Uhhhh..."

She leaned back into the couch trying to look more casual and buy her time to think about it. Dash wanted to go, she really needed help with the work as she was failing most of her classes. But if she was there it would be awkward with Applejack and might create uncomfortable tension between the two girls. If the others pick up on it, things will quickly escalate, leading to Dash being exposed. On the other hand if she didn't go, Applejack may tell them what she said anyway and she wouldn't be there to defend herself. But in the end, one thing she was sure of is that the study party would be 20% better without her dumbass dampening the 'fun' by asking stupid questions. All of them were smarter than her, she just had to accept that. 

Dash looked down and considered her options once more before replying. She'd just have to trust Applejack to not say anything. She's not a stirrer but she sticks by honesty.

"Thanks for the offer Flutters, but i'll probably stay here with the others for a bit." She nodded towards the group of athletes and smiled weakly.

Fluttershy could sense something was wrong but couldn't quite place it. Maybe Rainbow was just tired from all that soccer before she thought. "Are you sur-"

"Yes shes sure." Applejack cut in.

"Okay...but Rainbow, but if you want to join later you're always welcome!" Fluttershy said politely, proceeding to glance at Applejack, questioning what was going on.

"Thanks." Dash turned and slowly walked over to the athletes table as the girls started walking out of the cafe in pairs. But, Applejack hung behind. Just before Rainbow reached the table of her sport friends she felt a hand grab her arm. She jumped to the unexpected touch as a spark of electricity shot up her side. She knew it was Applejack. Dash didn't turn around but she heard slow footsteps come closer to her. The hand moved up her arm until it reached her shoulder and came to a halt. The steps stopped and she could feel a warm breath at the nape of her neck.


"What is it AJ." 'I dont care.' 'I dont care.' 'I dont care.'

"Be careful... they're dangerous." She spoke slowly into Dash's ear.

"Why do you even care AJ, aren't you supposed to be mad at me." Rainbow replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes as if AJ could see it. 'I dont care.' 'I dont care.' 'I dont care.'

"Well ah don't want anything to-..." "Don't do anything stupid." 

Shivers ran up and down Rainbows spine at hearing Applejack whisper in her ear. They've been in similar situations like this before, but in more of a loving way. Dash slowly felt the hand slip off her shoulder and she stayed still unsure whether she should reply or ignore her. Rainbow instantly missed the touch of her hand on her shoulder. She wanted to grab AJ, pull her into a hug and never let go. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not infront of her other friends. They were somewhat would affect her reputation. She can't afford that risk. But...she knew she couldn't apologise to Applejack with words, she'd have to show her in actions. The more she thought about her, the more she wanted to be closer to her.

Dash whipped herself around to stop AJ from leaving, but when she faced the door, she was already gone...

'Why are you so stupidly indecisive Rainbow!' She silently scolded herself.

"Hey Dash what are you doing?" She heard Gilda call, interrupting Dash's mental beat up.

"Yeah come here and join us!" Soarins voice followed.

'I dont care.' 'I dont care.'

Dash froze in place and took a deep breath in. 'Nothing stupid...' Dash reminded herself. She let the breath out and pulled herself together. A confident smile formed on her face and she started towards her friends.

"Heyy guys!"


hi! im not so sure how i feel abt this chapter HAHA the writing is weird. maybe ill rewrite it one day. anways chapter 6 is ready :) will be published soon. 

-mj <:

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