chapter 48

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12: 13 am

Making her way to bed, long sleeved pyjamas draping down to reach her ankles and wrists, the soft fabric brushed the sheets as she snuggled under the covers. Angel, an opportunist, jumped impressively from the floor to land next to Fluttershy's side, filling the gaps of space the girl did not take up. Fluffing her pillow slightly before leaning back on it at a 90 degree angle, she comfortably settled down and pulled a book from her nightstand. As she brushed her fingers along the spine of the fake leather cased novel, she could feel the elevated embellishments hit her nerves and the scent of the new pages meet her senses. A large reason for why she got the book was its expert design, accurately matching the story of adventure within. Rainbow Dash was adventurous. She believed maybe reading a story of risk taking and journey could encourage her to adapt more of that into her current lifestyle, be able to appeal to Dash's interests more. For no particular reason...

As she set the story in her lap and lifted the cover of the book to reveal the creme paper, a delicate ping came from her phone laying next to her, causing Angel to lift his head in curiosity and inch closer to the device. Giving her pet a stroke on the head and she used her other hand to retrieve her phone, there was one message, in urgent need of decoding, prevalent.



hey flutterz i think im druhk cna you coem get me


4 hours earlier

8:20 pm

"Go on Dash you're going to be late. Have fun and stay safe okay?" AJ affirmed with Rainbow as she ushered her through the exit of her house, the girl already behind schedule to arrive at her friends party 20 minutes ago. 

"Ugh fine, but you know I would rather stay here with you," She replied with a joking frown as she swung her bag over her shoulder and unwillingly strode through the door. There was a grey car waiting nearby the barn's fence, no doubt the taxi Dash had ordered to get her to the city. 

"As if," AJ responded with a smirk on her face, knowing she was probably keen to see her other friend group and enjoy a bit of familiar party lifestyle just for one night. "Text me when you're on the way home." 

"See you later AJ!" Dash bid as she started towards the vehicle waiting for her, gifting the girl a swift hug before pulling away. 

"Bye sugarcube." 


8:43 pm

Upon arriving at the party, everything was already in motion. Drinks were poured, music was blasting, people were dancing, and cups were scattered. As she had predicted waiting for her, due to arriving 40 minutes later than the invite suggested, the athletes loved to make a bit of a mess. 

"Hey! Rainbow!" She heard a familiar voice call to her, the sound meeting her ears shooting memories of similar calls when she'd finally turn up to past celebrations. Turning her head to face the general direction of where her name came from, the side strands of her hair coloured red and blue flicking with the turn, she identified Fleetfoot waving her over to a group of reckless, on-the-brink-of-fainting faces. Striding confidently in their direction, many people greeted her on the way with a slap on the back, a light shoulder touch, or a simple 'Hey Dash,' as their captain walked by. The contact of many people over the short journey made her feel prioritised and special, while she may not see them all the time, she still earned the solid position in their heads of her sporting rank. Meeting her closer friends at last, an arm immediately wrapped around her shoulders and a full cup was shoved into her hand. 

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